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** This was written for a Tsukikage week prompt on twitter **

"I left my text book, go ahead without me" tsukishima says to his freckled ace, Yamaguchi.
The green haired boy nods and waves a goodbye to the taller boy. Tsukishima made his way back to the school, he didn't forget his textbook, that was just an excuse to sneak off to meet his lover.

The blonde pulled a note out of his pocket, it read:

"Come to the school rooftop after practice, I've got something to show you. ~Tobio"

What could that blue eyed boy possibly have to show him, he wondered as he marched steadily up the stairs. Practice had ended late it was neaely 10:40 pm. When Kei finally reached the top of the stairs he was met by tobio. His gaze blank but soft.

"Close your eyes" Tobio says a smile dancing across his lips.

Kei hesitates but eventually does as he's told. He feels the blue haired boy lead him on the roof top. The air is crisp, a slight breeze on his skin is chilly compared to the warmth of Tobio's hand againt his own. The warmth disappears for a moment and he groans at the loss. Theres the sound of soft footsteps, the warm hands find their way to keis shoulders, warm breath on his ear as Tobio speaks.

"Ok now open your eyes."

Kei flutters his eyes open, those long golden lashes look so pretty in the moonlight tobio thinks.

What sight lies before kei is the full moon. Its huge it feels as though if you reach out you could grab it and the stars around it shined so bright. It was a marveouls view.

On the parapet is a small plate with a strawberry shortcake roll adorned with a single clandle, whose flame dances in the wind.

"Happy early birthday, Kei. I know its tomorrow but i wanted to be the first one to tell you." Tobio says as he hugs his tall boyfriend from behind.

The blone boy feels his eyes swell with tears, his blue eyed boy could be so thoughtful. He blows out his candle wishing to spend more birthdays with his love.

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