Under tbe Misteltoe

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** Warning slightly steamy but not smut **

It was at Yachi's Christmas party where the two shared their first kiss. They'd found themselves under the mistletoe, being cheered on by their friends.

"Kageyama's too much of a chicken to do it." Hinata teased.

It was those words that lit a fire under his ass.

Tobio looked up at his tall boyfriend, his face flushed. "Kiss me." He says with bated breath.

His heart is beating out of his chest as the blond stares at him as though he's searching for a signal to go. Kei bends down, bringing his face about an inch away from Tobio.

"Are you certain, do you really wanna kiss me?" He speaks softly so only Tobio can hear. His warm breath plays against Tobio's lips, making the boy's brain melt.
He simply nods in response.

With that their lips touch, it's warm and soft and in an instance it's gone, leaving kageyama red as a tomato and wanting more.

"Merry Christmas, king." Kei smiles and pulls his boyfriend along into the party.

For the rest of the night Tobio is unusually quiet and off to himself.

The party is over and the two are walking home in slightly uncomfortable silence.
Kei can't take much more of the quiet, his mind is racing too much.

"What's wrong, Tobio? Are you mad at me? Was it the kiss? You didn't have to do it, I wouldn't have made you do anything you didn't want." The words pour out of his mouth quickly. His voice is riddled with worry, his eyes are wet as if he could cry at any second.

"No, no, no it's not like that. I.. I uh" Tobio stampers and steps in front of the blond. His face is red and he can't look his boyfriend in the eyes. He shuffles closer, resting his forehead against Kei's chest.
"I want to do it again." He mumbles.

Kei is taken aback for a moment then a wide grin forms on Kei's face.
"Hm, what'd you say? I didn't hear you." He says taking a step back from Tobio and tipping his head upward so that he can look at his blushing boyfriend.

"I want to kiss you again." He says pouting slightly.

"Ahh, sooo you've been all flustered since our first kiss and you've been dying for more. Is that it? " Kei teases, running his thumb against the boy's pouty lips. Tobio huffs in annoyance.

"Well if you wanted to kiss me that bad, all you had to do was ask." Kei flashes a shit eating grin and leans in very closely.
"Go ahead, King. Your wish is my command, just say the magic words."

Kei was absolutely loving this. He watched as Tobio played with the hem of his jacket, avoiding eye contact trying to think of what to say.

"Please kiss me, Kei." He says looking up with those beautiful blue eyes.

Kei's eyes widen, hearing his name spoken aloud, and then he smiles and grants the boy's request.

Their eyes flutter closed as the gap closes between them, warm lips pressing against each other. Tobio wraps his arms around the taller boy, pulling him closer, desperate to touch him. Kei places his hand on the back of Tobi's head pulling him into a deeper kiss. Their tongues dance and soft moans escape echoing on the empty street.

When they finally pulled away from each other they were breathless and blushing.

"More." Tobio whimpered.

"When we get home I'll give you all the kisses you want."

Ever since then Tobio has been borderline addicted to Kei's kisses.
It always ended up with Tobio too flustered to ask outright and Kei egging him on to use his "big boy words" to get what he wants.

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