The Window Across From Mine

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** I call this my sk8rboi AU where Kageyama is a skater boy and Tsukishima does ballet

I want to add on to this but my brain goes empty lol **

Tskkg Sk8r Boi AU

Tsukishima and Kageyama have lived in the same neighborhood since childhood. Right across the street from each other actually. They're not friends however. For Kageyama was a skater boy, who tended to play outside, and Tsukishima was a ballerina who practiced inside. It may sound odd for a boy to want to be a ballerina, but Tsukishima admired the art of ballet. It was practiced and precise, it was absolutely breathtaking in every way. Tsukki wanted nothing more than to will his long limbs to move gracefully like the ballerinas he saw long ago as a child. 

As a middle schooler Tsukishima found the boy across the street to be an annoyance. The blue eyed boy always hung out outside practicing skateboarding. The sound of the hard wheels across the pavement seemed to echo so loudly throughout the neighborhood along with frustrated gunts and helps and pops of the board. It all served as quite the distraction to the blonde boy as he practiced his ballet positions in the quiet of his living room. Over time Tsukishima grew accustomed to the noise outside, finding comfort in the rumbling of the wheels against the pavement and the occasional grunt or yelp which didn't happen as often as time passed. Perhaps the skater was improving just as much as he was. The blond seemed to be more focused and no longer lost his balance. He could swiftly move his feet into each position without tripping over his own feet and it'd only been a few months into learning. 

Evening practice had been boiled down to a science by the next year. The empty living room, blinds slightly cracked letting the golden sunlight shine in. The soft rustle of wind through the trees, the ticking of the metronome to keep the pace, and the rumble of wheels against the pavement. This was the music the young boy became accustomed to as he danced gracefully across the hardwood floors. Golden locks swaying with every motion as the boy moves with precision. Long legs together and feet facing out, arms rounded in front of him, left foot pointing out in front and circles around and back together with grace. 

Honey sweet voice repeating "One, two, three, four." As he works through an array of steps. 

The inconsistent hum of the skateboard just outside sounds like an applause if you use a bit of imagination. A soft smile is painted across fair skin as the boy Waltz across the floor, Amber eyes glimmering in the fading sunlight as the sun begins to set. Practice always seems to come to an end so quickly at home in contrast to weekend classes that seemed to drag on a bit, why was that? 

The question was shrugged of as he wound down from practice by doing some stretches, especially foot stretches. 


As for Kageyama, things were different growing up. He'd gotten his very first skateboard as a birthday gift from his grandpa during the last year of elementary school. It was winter then so he could only begin learning in the comfort of his bedroom. Rolling a few feet across hard floors and stopping and going back the other way. 

When spring rolled around and all the snow melted away Kageyama would use every second of his free time to go outside to practice skateboarding. He aspired to be ascool his grandpa was back in the day, like he'd seen on old video tapes. It definitely took him a while to learn basic moves,  such as properly stopping rather than roll directly into the grass (haha). 

Kageyama first started taking notice of the boy next door close to the beginning of middle school. He was outside practicing nose stalls,  rolling toward the curb and lifting the back of the board in order to hook the board onto the curb and simply roll back off of the curb. That's when he say the blond emerge from his house for the first time in quite a while. The boy was quite tall, slim, his blond hair glimmered gold in the sunlight, he couldn't help but stare. This distraction resulted in getting flung off the board. 

"Ahhh!! Kageyama hollered out which caught the blond's attention, his fierce eyes felt piercing. From that smday on Kageyama always found himself waiting to catch a glace on the boy again, whether that be in passing at school, a glimpse of him in the window, or seeing him leave for dance practice. He wondered what the boy was like, and if they'd get along. 

Nearing the end of middle school Kageyama wound up being dragged to a school baller recital by his current girlfriend. They'd found their way to their seats and settled in. They were there to see one of her friends who was a lead in part of the performance. 

The light dimmed as the show began, gentle music swelling as the dancers emerge on stage, swift movement as they all come together to tell a story, emotion in every movement, soon it's only the girl on stage as a slow song plays, she dances sorrowful all alone in the spotlight. Kageyama had to admit he'd been impressed so far he honestly thought he'd be bored to death by ballet.

 The music begins to change and another dancer comes onto the stage, long leg, blond hair, and piercing gold eyes. It was the boy from across the street, he looked striking, his movements so clean and precise. Kageyama couldn't tear his eyes away from the boy, even though the dance was a duet. The skintight suit the boy was wearing showed off his lean muscles perfectly as he hoisted the girl up into the air. Even with such a stoic face you could feel the emotion in every single calculated step that he took. In what felt like mere moments the show was over, Kageyama didn't want it to end, he could have watched the boy dance for hours. 

He'd never forget the way he felt that night sitting on the edge of his seat, completely awestruck and sweating, his heart beating out of his chest. 


High School seemed to come quickly and with that came less time to practice dancing at home. Most nights were spent studying and doing homework, the neighborhood was more quiet now with the lack of skating,  perhaps the boy next door was too busy with work as well. Though they went to the same highschool they hadn't been in any classes together, just like middle school. The silence seemed deafening, as Tsukishima stared out the window at the empty street that was barely illuminated by the dim streetlights. He zones out staring up at the sky, stars slowly emerging as the time passes along. 

He soon hears a familiar sound, that rumble against the pavement that he'd grown to enjoy, he looks down toward the street to see the black haired boy skating down the sidewalk. He watches with a soft smile as the boy does a few laps in the street, after a while he stops to take a sip from his water bottle and he looks up toward Tsukishima, deep navy eyes locking onto his for just a moment. He waves ever so slightly before becoming stiff after realizing he's being watched. Tsukishima chuckles to himself and blushes, giving a little wave back. He must seem like a creep watching the boy so he soon walks away from the window and heads to bed falling into a deep sleep thanks tk the boy skating outside. 

The next day after classes are over Tsukishima heads to the library to meet up with his study group. Just before he steps into the library he hears an unfamiliar voice say,

"Next time, you should come down if you want to watch me do tricks." 

He turns to see the ravenett from next door, his face slightly blushing as he trying to act cool. A few seconds of silence lpasses as Tsukishima tries to find the words to say. 

"Kageyama. Kageyama Tobio, uhh nice to meet you…. " his voice trails off. 

"Tsukishima, Kei."

"Well then Tsukishima, next time come outside and I'll show you some moves. " Kageyana says quickly before taking off his ears bright red as he makes off down the hall. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2022 ⏰

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