Strawberry Milk

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** Was also written for a tsukkikage week prompt on twitter **

Its been 4 long years of pining for eachother but being too stubborn to admit it for these two, and about a year of actively dating. Kei and Tobio are both still trying to find ways to say "i love you" with actions rather than words. Its always the little things like Tobio making his boyfriends favorite food for dinner. Or when Kei tidys his boyfriends place for him, after a long week of practices. Its always the unspoken things that makes such a big difference. Its letting the other know your there for them and are thinking about them.

Kei is out doing a bit of gocery shopping when he sees the most juicy looking strawberries, and they're on sale. He grabs a pound maybe 2 of fresh strawberries and add them to his cart. On his drive home he has a brilliant idea of making some homemade strawberry milk for his milk loving boyfriend. He can already picture the delight on Tobios face.

When he gets home he gets to work. He chops the stawberries into quaters and boil them down into a simple syrup. The sweet smell coats the entire appartment, its lovely. When that is done be mixes the syrup with some while milk and a dash of heavy cream and viola! He pours the pale pink liquid into a bjg glass jar and into the fridge to chill. A yummy strawberry milk fit for a King, his King.

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