Chapter 2

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Katie arrived at the seen at about 4 in the afternoon. It was an old rigid house with chipped paint and broken windows. Katie started walking around the property when she saw it. A trial of blood. It went off the cliff. Suicide.

After the men checked all the clues and the body was cared away, Katie head back to her car. She looked back at the house. Why was there nose marks on the windows? Katie disided to have a look around the house too. She walked in the door and there she was.

Honey found a home that day. They arrived at Katie's house. It was big and her husband -Jack- had a cage for Honey and her toys. It was homey and warm inside. Home sweet home!

On the days Katie goes to work, Jack stays with Honey. They go on walks and even go to the fair! They had so much fun but Honey and Katie had a bond. You know that feeling when you make a friend? That's how Honey and Katie felt around eachouther. They were best friends!

A couple months after Honey came home there had been crimes. Many crimes. In fact, there was about three deaths a week!

Katie came home one day and smiled and waved at Mr. Riley -her neighbor- but he just snarled and walked away.


The next day he did the same thing but mumbled something like 'dumb mutt'. What's his problem? A thought came to Katie, what if Mr.Riley abandon Honey!

No it can't be! Can it?

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