Chapter 5 - The Early Glow

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Lottie's Point of View

By five past eight in the morning, I was braving the halls of the second floor to reach the conference room after setting it up yesterday morning. I was fully aware that I would have been the last one to attend, but the reasoning justified the absence. I used the extra time beforehand adding to my initial note and re-printing after thoroughly reviewing the bullet-point list to check that I hadn't left anything out. At five past eight, I clicked my way across the hallway with the future wrapped up in my arms in a tan folder.

Digby and Uncle Lyle had already found their way to the same seats at the table as yesterday when I emerged into the conference room. I exchanged brief wishes of a good morning but hardly so much as paused before I was crossing the room in short strides to reach the whiteboard. There was no sense in wasting time today. All three of us knew exactly why we were here.

I set my folder down onto the surface of the table and snagged the purple marker from the bin after barely arriving at the whiteboard. My heart was dancing an enthusiastic jig as I snapped the cap from the marker and proceeded to inscribe the title of the project in wide letters beneath the introduction I had left before for everyone to see. Once finished, I clasped the marker in both of my paws and turned back to face my modest-sized listening audience with a beaming smile stretching across my face.

"Allow me to introduce you to Happy Home Paradise," I declared.

Uncle Lyle instantly seemed to recognize the newness of the title, shifting in his seat to steal a glance at Digby. Pausing in my explanation, I plucked the folder from the table and propped it open between my paws to take reference from my list of notes.

"Continuing from our last meeting," I went on brightly. "I would guess that you're both wondering exactly what that is, what service it will provide, and what the primary goal to achieve is. I'm thrilled to let you in on every one of those things. Happy Home Paradise, as you likely gathered, is the fourth and newest branch of service to launch under the Happy Home name. I plan to launch this project towards the end of this year, perhaps October or November. With this project, I will lead the motion to recommission old and abandoned broken-down houses, including organizing, designing, and painting. I created this project with the intention of turning them into vacation homes, but if anyone is in need of a place to stay without the pressure of cost, they will be welcomed with open arms. I'll need to reach out for assistance in funding, but beyond that, every part of the preparation plan is put together and ready to go. Are there any questions I can answer at this time?"

"Which of us are involved in the process of development and everything after the final launch?" Digby inquired almost instantly like he had been holding on to the question before I was even finished. "I hear you when you say you'll be leading the project, but would this be a team or solo effort? Both are great ideas, of course. I just wanted to make sure that if there's something that needs to be done I know to do it."

"This will be completely solo," I confirmed. "I may and likely will need some support in the development stage, but when the project is officially set in motion, I'll be taking over everything."

"By yourself?" Digby echoed.

"Well, no, not necessarily," I admitted. I snuck a glance at my bullet-point notes in the folder cracked open between my paws, flipping past the first page to overview the second one. "I'm assuming you have concerns about all of the aspects of this project that aren't exactly my specialty. For example, I'm not a renovator or a builder. I'm hoping to do this with as small of a team as possible, as I'm still becoming accustomed to the idea of full leadership. I will need to hire assistance for everything that I'm unable to do. I'm going to be preparing to allow the submission of applications and hold interviews for the positions."

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