47- Advice

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When Dream finally got out of bed, it was almost three in the afternoon.

He walked to the kitchen, leaving George in bed. His clingy self wanted to wake the brunette up but he couldn't bare to when he saw how cute he looked, all snuggled up in the duvet.

Rain was pouring outside, making pitter patter sounds on the window, and Dream was glad he was warm and cosy inside.

Just as he was finished making coffee, he heard footsteps coming towards him. The blonde turned towards the doorway to see Sapnap walk in.

"Morning." Dream said in a deep, morning voice which Sapnap laughed at.

"Dude, its 2:50pm. Did you just wake up?"

Dream scoffed and turned away, taking a sip of his coffee.

I'm re-reading this and I just realised that irl Dream hates coffee but we'll just ignore that

"I'll take that as a yes." Sapnap smirked. "So... Wild night, huh?"

Dream span back to face him so quickly that some of the coffee spilt onto his hand. "Agh- uh-" He rushed to put the mug on the counter. "W-what?"

"Dude, chill." Sapnap still had that sly smirk on his face that Dream had grown to recognise. "I mean with how much we drank and all."

Dream's face relaxed. "Oh"

"What did you think I meant?" Sapnap asked innocently, though Dream could see right through it.

"Oh shut up."

More footsteps were heard and Karl ran in, screaming Sapnap's name.

"WOAH, WOAH! Calm- Karl calm down." He said in a stern voice, although a small giggle escaped his mouth.

Karl took a few deep breaths. "The Pokémon cards just got here! Get your ass in the lounge right now!"

"Oh shit! One sec- I was just grabbing a drink." Sapnap replied.

Dream never really got Pokémon cards, and why Sapnap and Karl seemed so willing to waste their money on them, but he didn't judge them either.

"Be quick!" Karl was about to leave before his boyfriend grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him into a quick kiss.

Dream shivered and looked away, though it was nothing compared to what he and George did in front of them last night.

Sapnap smiled as he let Karl go. "I love you."

"Love you too!" Karl shouted as he ran out of the kitchen, presumably to the lounge.

Sapnap was smiling to himself as he opened the fridge to find a soda.

"Sapnap?" He heard from beside him. Dream's voice was suddenly much more timid sounding than thirty seconds ago.

"Uh yeah?" He responded, clearly confused at the sudden mood change.

"Can I ask you a question?" Dream seemed awkward.

Sapnap paused. "Sure?" He wanted to get back to Karl and turn over cards for the next few hours, but it was obviously something serious by the way Dream was acting so Sapnap listened.

"I was just wondering... God this is gonna sound weird. Okay so, do you- ugh, basically-"

"Dream, you're not making much sense, bro."

The blonde took a deep breath. "When did you, Karl and Quackity first say I love you?"

Sapnap immediately caught on. "NO WAY! Have you and George not said I love you yet?!"

Dream shushed him with wide eyes, not wanting anyone to hear, especially not George. "Well not exactly..."

"Not exactly?"

Dream looked at the hem of his sweater that he was fiddling with. "I told him, but he didn't say it back."

Sapnap felt incredibly bad for his friend and wanted to comfort the blonde, but his brain betrayed him. He does this thing when he's in awkward situations where he laughs to fill the silence, and that's exactly what he did.

Although Dream knew about this strange habit of his friend's, he didn't seem to catch on. The blonde looked up with shiny eyes. It took him all he had to ask for help, and he just laughed?

"I-I'm so sorry." Sapnap calmed himself down. "I didn't mean to laugh, here." He led Dream to the table and they sat down opposite each other.

"You wanna know when I first said I love you to Karl and Quackity?" His friend just nodded. "It was a couple of weeks after Quackity joined the rela-"

"A couple of weeks! That's it?" The blonde interrupted.

"Well yeah... you can ask Karl, he'll know the exact date... but everyone does it at different times. It's okay to take your time. And the way we did it wasn't exactly perfect so..." Sapnap looked at Dream who was waiting for him to continue. "Karl was joking about which of us he preferred, and he accidentally said 'I love you more' to me." He was smiling at the memory. "Obviously it was a joke, but I said it back, and soon we were all saying it to each other."

"Aw that's sorta sweet."

"Yeah... We had great sex that night." Sapnap grinned.

"EW SAPNAP! You ruined it." Dream complained while Sapnap laughed and soon he was laughing along too.

There was a sudden loud yell coming from the lounge. "SAPNAP! WHAT'S TAKING YOU SO LONG?"

"ONE SECOND, BABE!" He yelled back. "So, wanna tell me about what happened?"

Dream sighed. "We were in a park, on a basket swing. It was kind of a special spot for us because we went there when we were just getting to know each other too." Dream looked at his hands. "I told him... you know, and he practically ran away."

"Have you spoken to him about it?" Sapnap asked.

"Yeah, almost straight away actually. I probably shouldn't tell you too much because it's not my story but... he's had a hard time with saying it before. I guess he just wants to be sure?"

Sapnap nodded. "I mean, it's no secret that George has a hard time expressing his feelings, right?"

"Well yeah but I can't help but wonder, maybe he just doesn't love me? Maybe he never will..." Dream's voice trailed off into thought but he was brought back into reality by his friend's humoured laugh.

"Bro, have you seen George when he's around you? Trust me, he's head over heels."

Dream smiled, and was about to reply before there was another loud yell. "SAPNAP!"

"Well, that's my cue. Hope that helped." Sapnap got up and patted the blonde on the shoulder, turning to leave.

"It did, thanks Sap." Dream smiled.

"You wanna come 'n watch us?" He suggested.

"Nah. I've got a Gogy to cuddle."

~1019 words~

A bit of Sapnap and Dream's friendship because I haven't done enough of it.

I'm really excited because we had no food in the house but my dad did a big shop and now we have loads. So as soon as I've published this I'm gonna have a feast

Also, did you notice how the fanart relates to the chapter? I'm very proud of myself :)

I uploaded this a few hours ago but I just realised that I wanted to ask for DNF fanfiction recommendations. I've been bored recently because I haven't found a good one. I think my standards are too high since the 12th chapter of Helium came out but anyways... recommendations?


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