chapter 7

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"mom! dad! we'll be right back~" hyunjin shouted as he step out of their house with seungmin

"where's your wallet? and where are you going?" seungmin asked

hyunjin looked at him with wondering eyes, yeah seungmin is a smart person but sometimes, he's kinda dumb

"you walk alone or ride with me?" hyunjin opened the passenger seat for the boy

"y-you sure, you k-know how to d-drive?" seungmin stuttered while hopping in, hyunjin facepalm himself as he get himself inside his car

"buckled your seatbelt doggy, you'll ride with your owner" hyunjin teased as he slowly took off his car from their garage then drove away

"y-ya! slow down you dipshiii- !! aAAaaaAahHH~" seungmin yelled from hyunjin's fast driving, seems having fun with the boy next to him

on the other side, minho woke up next to jeongin, arms around the youngest and next to him was the sleeping squirrel facing felix in front of him

'ya, its should be seungmin only, what are you doing minho?'

the four of them slept together at the leaving room, waiting for seungmin to come back and so to hyunjin to respond to their message

the older made his way to the kitchen of seungmin's apartment to make breakfast for all of them then check his notifications


ill be there hyung
don't worry about me
im in a good hands^^

"good hands? where did he go?" he muttered to himself then proceeded to his main task

couple of minutes passed by, jisung joined minho on the kitchen with his eyes still closed which minho found adorable

"mind telling me from which department your ex belong?" minho started to ask the younger

"mmm... we're from the same department hyung, architecture" jisung said yawning, the older nodded

"what's the reason though?" he asked while putting the dishes on the table

jisung started to tell minho about his ex, hyunjin, the reason why he broke up with the boy

"one of my friends likes going to club too, he barely gets back to our apartment cuz he always chose to go to his house when he's drunk" minho said

"that's exactly how my ex act, i know its been almost two months now since we got separated as couples, and i know he's in pain, but what about me? myself? i have nothing to go back now"

"what do you mean, jisung?"

"i mentioned that i have homophobic parents, right? well, they already kicked me out and told me they don't have a s.... yeah, they hate me? i don't like them neither" jisung said

"where and how do you live now?" minho asked once again

"in an apartment, i have a roommate named chan, he's an australian and you know what? he's always there whenever i need someone to listen to my problems, he's like a brother to me...."

"..... im so lucky to meet seungmin and be friends with him and to all of you, my lonely and depressed life before has colors now"

"oh c'mon, what're you talking about jisung, you know, gays has ways, right?" felix butt in with his gay mode on again

"where's seungmin hyung? he's not here yet?" the youngest asked

"im home~" seungmin said with an exhausted and terrified look, his friends look at him with curious eyes

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