Chapter 6:meeting the teachers

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Harry finds Owen by his motorbike, tuning it up.

"Uncle Owen?" Asked Harry, his potion book under his arm."yeah, bud?" he asked not looking from the motorbike. "What did my mum say to you about Hogwarts and stuff?" Asked Harry, real smooth, Potter.

"well, let me think, well, she told me about her best friend, who she had fallen out with, in her fifth year, Severus Snape, who-" he said and then stopped talking as he saw Harry's face get pale.

"My Mum...was friends with....Snape?" he asked horrified. "Yeah, why?" he asked."He's my potion teacher." he muttered, and Owen frown, recalling some of the stories from Harry about a Snape.

"That's the same dude, yikes, owch." he said.

"anyway, buddy, i hate to be the bearer of bad news, but....Your dad, James used to bully him when they were at Hogwarts, but he eventually grew up to be the better man." he told him. "What?" he asked.

"You heard me." he said. "it's just....people always tells me how i look like him, and how much of a great man he was, a great student." he told him. He frown.

"Everybody has a dark side to themselves. But like i said, he grew up and became the better man. I met him, ya know, he was awesome. So. what else, oh right. she told me about her classes and stuff, potions sounds a lot like cooking, in my opinion. they even have a blood adoption thing, which sounds awesome. transfiguration, where they change things into different objects, they even learn how to be animagus, where people can turn into animals, which sounds awesome, i would've loved to learn how to do that when i was a kid." he told him winking at him.

Harry chuckled. "well, that's what i want to talk to you about." he said.

"What?" he asked frowning. "I want you to blood adopt me." he told him.

"What? why?" he asked. "because i won't ever meet my dad, if i can have a dad now, can you be my dad?" he asked.

Owen looked away blinking back his tears, what was that kid doing to him? He's too innocent for his own good.

"is that what you want, bud? To officially be Harry Grady?" he asked, and Harry nod.

"It's all I've wanted all of my life." he said. "all right, but how do we do it?" he asked, and Harry sighed. "I must've lost my mind or something back at the Dursleys, but either we contact Snape or we go to Gringotts." he told him.

"Gringotts sounds a better idea. you should let your friends know, otherwise they'll be like, who the hell are you?" he told him smirking. he laughed.

"Yes, uncle Owen." said Harry shaking his head.he ruffled his hair, and Harry smack his hand away, trying to flatten his hair over his lightning bolt scar.

A few days later, there was a loud pop in the kitchen, and Owen looked since they were in the kitchen, he saw an elder man, with sliver hair and has a long bread, what is he? Gandalf or something? A woman with tight lips, and a man with black greasy hair and a long nose.

"Who the hell are you?" Asked Owen. "Uncle Owen, it's okay, these are my teachers from Hogwarts, That's the headmaster, Professor Dumbledore, that's my head of house, Professor McGonagall and that's...Professor Snape." he told him, he hesitate at the end there."oh, nice to meet ya." he said, professor McGonagall shook his hand, and surprisingly Professor Snape did. But Dumbledore did not.

"Who are you?" Asked Professor Snape.

"Owen Grady, used to be Evans when I was a day old, but i was put up for adoption. So basically, i'm Harry's better Uncle." he said.Professor Snape was surprised.

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