Chapter 5: The Raptors.

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Harry watched as Owen opens a door, and he sees four little raptors running around, and the one with blue stripes stopped at a halt, and looked to Owen."Alpha's here!"

"What?" asked Harry. "What's what, bud?" Asked Owen.

"Didn't you hear something?" asked Harry."No, what did you hear?" Asked Owen knelling down to his size.

"um...." he said...what if he thinks he's a freak just because he's hearing voices. he saw him taking his hand.

"You can tell me." he said. "I heard someone saying, Alpha's here." he told him.Owen blinked for a moment, and Harry thought he is for sure he was going to hate him, when he just smiled.

"You can hear and understand the Raptors?" he asked.

"is that what I-" he started when the blue stripe raptor purred as it went to Harry's leg."Wizard Hatching, my hatching."

He blushed. "What's wrong, buddy?" he asked. "what's a hatching?" he asked, and Owen blinked and laughed.

"That's is someone calling you a baby." he said, and Harry frown. "I'm not a baby." he said."Tell that to them, but they're quite stubborn." he said.

he groaned and Owen chuckled.

he watch his uncle intact with the raptors, he was patience, but yet firm when he has to be with them. The bond was wicked.Hagrid is going to love Uncle Owen.

"okay, Blue!" said Owen firmly, but the blue Raptor came to Harry. "Harry, step back." said Owen, but Blue was looking at him, cocking her head sideways, so he knelt down and put out a hand, which Blue sniff.

"wizard hatching.""uh...Just Harry." he said blushing.

She looked to him with her intelligence eyes. "my Harry." and with that, it curled up beside him, and close its eyes.

Once they were back at the place they were staying at, Harry pet Hedwig, stoking her feathers as he tried to write again to his friends. Hoping that Dobby the house-elf didn't held onto the letter.

he went out into the dark night, and send Hedwig to Ron and Hermione.

The next few days was amazing, and he got his homework done, until one day....

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