Painting plans Part 2

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As if on cue she sits up. Stretches her arms above her head and stands up. I can see that she is wearing a very short dress. Once again she stretches her arms above her head and I watch the dress rise along her thighs exposing her perfectly formed cheeks. No leggings!!! No undies!!!

Looking over her shoulder she glances towards my window. I know she cannot see me because my light is off and I barely have the blind slat raised.

Did she really look my way?

I caught myself holding my breath, not knowing for how long, I begin to slowly exhale. Along with the exhale I close my eyes in order to compose myself. When I open them, she is gone.

About 30 seconds later I see her walking across the room. She approaches the window and I catch myself holding my breath again. Hoping against all that she does not close her blind. Instead, she turned on a desk lamp then walked towards the window.

As she stands there leaning on the window sill I notice she had begun to sway her hips back and forth. She must have some music on and is allowing herself to relax and be taken away by the sounds in the room. She began walking towards the mirror, still swaying her hips, and begins to pull her left shoulder up out of her dress. Her right shoulder emerges and the dress begins to slip down her chest. Reaching to the top of her dress she pushes it down to her waist, over her hips then allows it to fall to the floor. She runs her left hand through her hair as she turns toward her bed.

I can see her bend her knee and plant it firmly on the mattress as she climbs into the bed. With both knees together, she lowers her upper body while extending her arms in front of herself. This raises her bottom in the air and allows me a clear view from the mirror of her tight holes. With her left hand, she reaches over to her nightstand and picks something up.

From my vantage point, it looks like a small boa or feather duster. I see her swish it side to side in front of her eyes. While still swishing back and forth, her right-hand reaches over and I see her tilt something into it. She then reaches back and begins to trail her hand up her thigh to her cheeks. I can see a glisten on her finger and realize she has lube on her finger and she is rubbing both holes. Her hips gyrate very gently as she brings her left hand holding the boa to her mouth. The small boa I saw also has a shiny end to it that tapers to a rounded point. It wasn't a feather duster or a boa at was a tail!.

She sticks her tongue out and slides the shiny bulb into her mouth, closes her lips then pulls it out. Over and over again, while turning her face in a way that appears she is looking at my window. In my mind, I could hear the slight popping sound as she pulls it from her lips. She then pulls it out slowly while opening her lips and runs it down her extended tongue. Allowing the tip of her tongue to curl and make a slight flicking motion.

Stopping at her desired location, she begins to apply slight pressure. She backs it out a little then with a little more effort each time I see her gradually become more relaxed. Suddenly, the bulb enters in with a slight jar and is held in place with the smaller part of the plug. With the tail inserted she expresses her happiness in her accomplishment with a little wiggle of her backside.

During the entire build-up of the insertion, I had been rubbing, stroking, and thrusting myself in excitement. I stop. I concentrate on slowing my breathing, my heaving chest had become a flexing empty chamber that my beating heart feels the need to escape.

I step back and lean my forehead against the wall. Hands to my side hanging loosely. I need to clear my head, think about if what I am doing is wrong. I am not touching her. I am not bothering her. She doesn't even know that I am watching. Or does she? Is she looking over at me when she turns her head my way? Is it just her enjoying herself and she turns her head during her time of passion? That could be it, but it really seems like she is looking at me. Am I wanting her to be looking at me? Do I want her to know that I am watching her? The excitement of her knowing makes me look out of the window again.

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