Painting and Pleasure Part 3

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We returned with the supplies and began to prepare the walls for painting. The removal of wallpaper was tedious but allowed for quite a bit of time to talk.

I felt myself being drawn to her in a way that was beyond the lustful thoughts and visions I experienced through the window. She was silly and smart. Her goofy side was displayed and she did not try to hide it from me.

"You do realize that we are not going to finish this today, right?" She said after taking a drink of water.

"With your rate of speed in prepping the walls, I am not sure it will be finished in a week." I retorted with a smile.

"Fine, finish it yourself," she said bumping me with her hip as she walked by.

Without thinking, I pinched her butt cheek and said, "Brat."

Instantly I thought I may have gone a little too far, but realized she accepted my flirting and tease when she turned her face towards me and stuck out her tongue.

Except for a couple of small areas to be sanded, all of the prep work was finished. The walls were almost ready to accept their new identity. The first room to be painted was to be the living room.

We had music playing, she was singing, doing a little shoulder move and slight butt wiggle.

"Hey, I didn't know you could dance," I said while taking the lid off another gallon of paint.

"Not dancing sweetheart, just grooving to the music!"

She called me sweetheart. Hmmm, I like that.

After another hour of painting, I asked what she would like to eat for dinner.

"Anything is good!"

"Pizza?" I yelled.

"Sounds great!!!"

As I finished the call to place the order I hear a squeak and an "Oh NOOOOO!"

I turn the corner and see her standing, head bowed, with paint all over her hair, arms, and shirt.

"Well, Helloooooo Nurse!" I said with a chuckle while grabbing some towels. While walking over to her I handed her a towel and began wiping some of the paint that has traveled to her back.

"What happened?" I asked while reaching for another towel.

"I stepped on the ladder to reach that corner with the brush and the paint container tipped as I tried to balance and then, well, here you go."

I had to chuckle as I helped wipe the dripping goop off of her. "How about we call it quits on the painting. We get you cleaned up and then, pizza?"

"Sounds good. I will be right back," she said as she exited the front door.

I stood there for a second and watched her go. Man, I really need to learn how to flirt, I think as I begin to clean up the painting supplies.

After the pizza arrived I carried it to the kitchen and was placing the boxes on the counter when I heard, "Yum"!

She was standing in the back of me in a well-worn oversized shirt with a few holes worn through, yoga pants, and flip flops. She held a towel and was squeezing and dabbing her damp hair. There is just something about wet hair on a lady that just makes me feel all nice and warm inside.

She came over next to me and bumped me with her hip and said, "The door was still open. I hope you don't mind that I just walked in. Hey, don't hog it all my Sir."

She reached over to pick up a breadstick and dipped it in the cheese.

Did she just say, my Sir? At the firehouse, I use the word Sir many times a day. It is a word to show respect and authority. But she said "My Sir."

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