Yes, Ma'am - Conclusion

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"Let's go for a walk," she said suddenly.

"A walk," I moaned, "why can't we keep laying here in the hammock and snuggle?"

She guffawed due to me changing my voice to sound like a spoiled brat.

"I am serious," she said as she turned and sat her feet on the ground.

"Ok, ok, you big bully. We will go for a walk."

I had to admit, it was a good day for a walk. I am not a cold-weather person, fighting fires in the wintertime, helped me determine my love of warmer weather.

Don't get me wrong, wearing all of the gear, and performing all of the tasks on the fire ground in the warmer weather drains all of your strength. But, nothing a little water or sports drink can't fix.

The cold weather is a different story.

Once you exit the structure after fighting a fire, the gear is drenching wet, insulation, and whatever else people use to keep the cold out and the heat in the home is clinging to every part of your body, and your face mask is usually fogged up and covered with soot and grime.

The cold air comes in contact with the wet fire gear and creates an instant firefighter popsicle. While on the scene, firefighters will begin to walk around stiff-legged, arms held out, with air tanks frozen. Typically on the first fire that creates the walking popsicles, someone will walk around with their arms held out to their sides saying; "I can't put my arms down," à la Randy from The Christmas Story.

However, it was a nice warm autumn day to take a walk and that is what we did, hand in hand.

It appeared that everyone on the block decided to take advantage of the weather and complete yard work. The sounds of leaf blowers whining, rakes scrapping, kids yelling, and parents chastising filled the air.

We had walked two blocks, crossed the street, and began to walk back towards our houses when we heard, "Hey, neighbors!"

Mommy neighbor was standing next to a pile of leaves with a rake in her hands.

I stood back as the two ladies embraced and exchanged, "How are you and you look so cute."

Both were wearing leggings, an oversized sweatshirt, and tennis shoes. I enjoyed the view of seeing them stand together talking. Fortunately, there was no jealousy between the two of them. They knew I found both of them attractive but Mommy neighbor was married and I would not do anything without the consent of my girl and Mommy neighbor.

As I watched them talk, my mind began to reminisce about the past few weeks.

The three of us had masturbated while in the same room on a few occasions. No one touched the other per Mommy neighbor's request. She said it did not feel like she was cheating on her husband if we were touching ourselves.

There were times we stroked and rubbed ourselves at the same time, reaching orgasms one after another. Each one triggering the other to cross the apex of sexual bliss.

Other times, I would stay clothed, sit in a chair at the end of my bed, and they would lay down and let their juices flow knowing I would sleep in the wet spots they created. They thought it was strange and had even said it was gross until I explained my thoughts.

"I have two sexy, erotic, beautiful, sensual, and horny women in my life. To have you excited in front of me and willing to show me your sexual desires is beyond belief. What is the difference between laying in a bed after sex and the two of you leaving your scent and sex for me to enjoy overnight?"

"I wish my husband would talk to me and express his feelings," Mommy neighbor said, "Knowing your thoughts makes many things not seem odd. I actually enjoy being seen naked by the two of you. You both look at me and with pleasure and without judgment."

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