c2 - blonde boy and deals 🤝

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              You woke up to the sound of your alarm blaring in your ears. even though it was summer, that still meant to get up at 7am and go to the sandlot. you and the guys would play ball no matter how hot or cold it is, if it's early or late, or even if it's raining or snowing.  benny simply just wanted to play, and you understood that but you didn't understand on why he was so passionate about baseball.

your pov

I heard the door open and i already knew who it was.
"kenny what the hell do you want?" i said
"dammmnn i just wanted to say that mom made pancakes but i guess i'll just eat them myself. jeez" he said walking out

"yea. no. i'm up" i said sprinting downstairs

When i hit the last step my nose immediately flooded with blueberry pancakes.
"damn this smell good" i mumbled  "hey love" my mom said.
Even though she was my step-mom, i still treated her no different than i did with my dad. she was exactly like a mother figure in my life.

"hey mom. food smells hella good" i said
"language." she laughed while sipping her coffee. "sooorrryyy" i singed while grabbing a plate.

"oh if you think that's bad you should see what she says when your not around" kenny laughed thinking his statement was funny.....hell no it wasn't.
i sat down and kicked his leg under the table
"shut. the hell. up" i whispered

kenny on the other hand looked like he was abt to cry. that's what his sorry ass gets.

time skip

After getting ready i put on a red tank top with jean shorts and white socks along red chucks.

 yo fit ☝︎︎

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yo fit ☝︎︎

"YO Y/N YOU READY?!" kenny shouted from downstairs.
"YUH" i yelled back.  as going downstairs i grabbed my glove, bat, and red yankees hat.
"OKAY. STAY SAFE" she yelled back
"let's go." said kenny

As we walked there i felt a piece of bazooka bubblegum in my back pocket and plopped it in my mouth. as we entered the sandlot every boy was sitting down in the dugout.
"FINALLY! what took so LONG" yelled ham.
"bro don't blame me. blame kenny, he's been taking long ass showers since he do-" i was cut off by a musty hand on my mouth

the fuck? i thought

"we don't talk about that, remember?" said kenny.  i nodded slightly.

"okay guys enough with funny business. let's play" said benny already going to the batters box
"who pissed in his Wheaties box?" i whispered to squints.  "hell i have no idea y/n/n"      I chuckled a bit before walking over to 1st base.


"yeah-yeah get two" yelled benny before hitting the ball to yeah-yeah who was on shortstop.   yeah-yeah passed the ball to squints who was on second. squints then passed the ball to timmy who was right center. he then passed it to me, which i passed it to ham.        "nice!" he said
we did a few more rotations then switched. as i was getting ready to bat i saw a little blond boy behind the fence from far away, but brushed it off and continued playing. 

something stupid. ; benny x fem!reader Where stories live. Discover now