Part 4: Nighttime Castle Adventures

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The group snuck out of the portrait hole and along the corridor. Yes, they were technically allowed out but it would look pretty suspicious if a group of first years were spotted wandering around the halls.
Robin had grabbed the map that he'd been given. All first years were given one to help them get to the correct class. They made their way to the ground floor, the perfect place to start. A few students were straggling about the Great Hall still, but other than that there was hardly anyone about.
They poked their heads in a few empty classrooms and an angry Caretakers office.

Then they headed down to the dungeony bit.

"This aotta be good." Obviously, it was Andres genius idea to do so.

There wasn't anything exciting. The Slytherin common room (Locked) a door labelled 'S.Snape' (Also Locked) and actual dungeons.

"Dahlia, I double doggy dare you to go into one of the dungeons and shut the door." Andre dared.

Of course, Dahlia was never one to back down from a dare.
"You're on!"

She went inside, but held the door open.

"Um the dare was to shut the door?"

"Uh yeah but you double doggy dared me."

"You gotta go in too mate! Haha." Robin gave the now ghostly looking Andre a shove.
"Cmon dude, you seriously didn't know what a double doggy dare was?"

Andre stood beside Dahlia as she shut them in.

"Wait wait wait!" Kingsley went into his jumper pocket and pulled out a little camera.
"Wizard camera! Say cheese!"

Andre and Dahlia put their arms around each other and smiled for the camera. They laughed a little until they went to open the door.
Dahlia tugged and tugged but it wouldn't open.

"Umm guys? I think we have a problem here."

"What are you on about? Move over girl." Andre shoved Dahlia aside and tried to tug the door open but failed just as Dahlia did.

"You were saying, girl?" The two childishly stuck their tongues out at each other.

The other two boys tried from their side of the bars but each in turn failed. The two turned to look at each other before they burst out cackling.

"Guys it's not funny!"

Kingsley set his camera down of the floor so he wouldn't break it as he bent double, clutching onto Robin to keep himself up. Even Dahlia started lightly chuckling.


"Sorry Andre. It's just...if you hadn't double doggy dared me in the first place, we wouldn't be here! And now you're the one freaking out." She laughed harder this time as Andre rolled his eyes. She grabbed his arm for support and eventually he, too joined in the groups laughter. By the time they had all calmed down, they were all on the floor with tears streaming their faces.

"I think- I think I can get us out." She took a deep breath to steady herself and spoke "Alohamora." And a click sounded through the room.

"You might've mentioned it a bit sooner!" Andre attempted a glare but couldn't help the smile plastered on his face.
"Let's go before we get locked down here permanently!"

The group fought their way back up the stairs to the ground floor.
They walked over to the grand staircase when Robin pointed something out.

"Hey guys? Is that another staircase?"

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