Part 6: The Prank

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TW: Slight swearing? I think that's it. Let me know if I've missed anything.

∞ ϟ 9¾ ♔ ⚯͛ △⃒⃘ ➵ ♆

"That's really clever Dahlia. How'd you come up with that?" Robin queried

"Oh ha ha how funny." She rolled her eyes annoyed.

"When are we gonna do it? I can't wait." Andres eyes shone with excitement for the plan his friend had come up with.

"We've got to pick a time when the common room will be practically empty, we don't want to get caught." Kingsley decided.

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It was Thursday before they managed to put their plan into action.

Robin was sent to the greenhouses to pluck some red cabbages and juice them.
Andre and Kingsley went to get apple cider vinegar from their friends in the kitchens.
Whilst Dahlia raided her dorm mates shelves for coconut oil.

They gathered their ingredients and locked themselves in the boys dorm.

"So, how exactly does this work?" Robin asked.

"Mix all of these together and we'll take it with us to the Slytherins dorms. We'll mix a bit of this into each of their shampoo bottles. They'll all need a shower if we can get a hold of Peeves, so we know they'll definitely be using the showers. By tomorrow morning, everyone's hair will be pink!"

"Dahlia you're a genius. How did you learn such difficult magic?"

"It's not magic, it's science. Let's just say my experience in the muggle world wasn't the best."

"How much longer is this going to take? We've got to have it done before they come back from dinner."

"Don't worry, it's almost ready."

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That night Andre and Dahlia went to the great hall and filled napkins and sandwiches bags with food. They knew they wouldn't have time to eat for the plan, so they were going to eat after. The plan was to say Kingsley wasn't well so they were bringing food to his bed so they could all eat together.
When they returned, they put the bags on their beds and set off to the dungeons.
Dahlia had placed a cloaking spell over the four of them so they would appear invisible to the human eye. They just had to hope no ghosts would cross their path.

Unfortunately they did bump into one. Fortunately, it was Peeves, the school Poltergeist. Just the guy they needed.

"What are four young Gryffindor's doing sneaking about at dinnertime?" He floated in front of the group and leaned close to Andre's face.

"We need your help."

"My help?" He cackled. "What'chu needing MY help for?"

Dahlia cleared her throat. "We've heard you're big into pranks?"

"PRANKS SHE SAYS! Well of course I am! You should've seen what I did to Nicky boy yesterday." He started laughing at his own thoughts.

"Peeves! We need your help if we're going to pull this off..."

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The trek to the dungeons wasn't too bad as they had already been there before. The problem was, they didn't know the password.

"Dahlia use that spell you used to get us out of the dungeon." Andre insisted.

"I doubt that'll work. D'you really think Dumbledore would be so stupid?"

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