Part 5: The Attack

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T/W: Swearing.

The weekend passed and the group had gotten to know more about each other. Dahlia kept quiet a lot of the time, just happy to have made a form of friends at all.

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By the end of her first week, Dahlia had lost 5 house points but regained 10, learnt 1 new spell and had gotten detention.
The group had been caught out of bed after curfew and given a detention by Filch. It sightly worried Dahlia, that she was already in the bad books with her Head of House, but it was going to happen sooner or later.

The weeks classes were amazingly... boring.

A magic school is expected to be fun and wild and, well, magical. It was far from that. Maybe it was due to the fact that it consisted of introductory lessons so they didn't actually do much, or maybe it was Dahlias longing to swish her wand and see what happens.
They were given a few bits of homework, but they were just to flick through a couple of books.

Charms was pretty cool. Professor Flitwick, the totty teacher, had shown the class a spell called Wingardium Leviosa, which made objects levitate.
Kingsley had made his smoke before it blew up, Robin had got his to float a few inches above his desk and Andres hadn't moved an inch. Dahlia was first in the class to successfully get hers to float a noticeable amount before it dropped and hit her on the head. She rubbed the bump to soothe the pain whilst Andre stifled a giggle of amusement.

History of Magic was one of the dullest classes to ever exist. That was according to Robin. He complained the whole lesson about how they don't need to know about the past and he wants to learn something useful.

Flying was great fun. Dahlia found she had a right knack for it too. She then found out that there was a flying sport the school had. "Quidditch." The same word that was written on the trophies in the cabinet she had looked at the other night. This intrigued her even more, so she decided she would have to make another visit.

Then there was potions. Dahlia thought it would be very similar to chemistry in the muggle World. You know, setting things on fire, blowing stuff up, mixing random chemicals together. That sort of stuff. Boy was she wrong.
The class was shared between Gryffindor and Slytherin (the green house). Apparently the two houses had centuries of rivalry so they tended to not get along too well.
When the four first walked into the classroom, which was down by the dungeons, Andre had seemed really sheepish. Obviously concerned he'd be locked in them again.
The class mainly consisted of reading, which would normally be great for Dahlia but the fact that she hardly knew what any of the words meant, it wasn't.
The teacher, Professor Snape, was really weird. If doom&gloom and creepy stalker had a child, that still wouldn't come close to what he was like.
Unlike the other teachers they had had that day, he didn't register them. Just stood all 'dArK aNd MyStErIoUs' at his desk, watching them all as they stood patiently at the back of the room.

"This is not a class to mess around in." He spoke.

"Why does he talk like that?" Robin whispered to Dahlia. She shrugged. He did speak really weirdly, unnecessarily stretching out words in a low tone.

"You'd do good to remember that when I'm teaching you. Miss an instruction, pay the price at your own cost. I'll be keeping an eye on all of you, Jones."

The groups eyes widened that Snape knew Kingsley's surname.

"Pair up, four to a cauldron. Page 9. DONT. Mess up."

The three boys instinctively grabbed Dahlia and pulled her into them.

"A simple 'Dalia, care to join us for the project?' would suffice."

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