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[Y/n's pov]

I woke up and kept my eyes closed for a bit before opening my eyes and looking around the room I was in, I didn't recognize the room I was in, in fact I didn't recognize it at all.

Ugh, my head hurts so much from last night.

I feel something touch my back and suddenly I get butterflies. I start to kick the blanket off but I don't have the strength to finish kicking it off so I just lay there.

I got even more butterflies or maybe its just period cramps but I don't remember being on my period so it's definitely butterflies, I try to turn over but I can't. I just lay there before reaching over to the night stand trying to find my phone that wasn't there.

I stand up and actually make it then I turn around and I see a special someone laying in the bed beside me, I smile at least someone was nice enough to drive me home last time this happened my friend just left me in her car as she went and slept inside her own house.

I see karls eyes open wide, at first his eyes were on the blanket but now it was on me. "I thought that I'd for sure be up before you" Karl laughed as he stood up. "So umu what happened lats night?" I say still messing up my words.

"Well you got drunk and by drunk I mean you had 40 drinks and you were falling everywhere and sluring all your words so I took you home or well to my house and in the car om the way here you blacked out or fell asleep so" Karl explained. "Oh gosh, I'm so so sorry for anything I might have did last night"

"Its fine really, I don't mind helping a friend out"

"I'll pay you back eventually"

"You really don't, it's nothing really" Karl says as he walks over to me. "So, what do you want for breakfast?"

"I'll make breakfast, as a way for saying sorry" I say as I walk put of the room and start to walk down the stairs, taking two steps before falling the rest of the way.

"I thought you said that you only fall up the stairs not down them" Laughed Karl. "If you can't walk down the stairs then you shouldn't make breakfast" Karl says and he walks past me and helps me up.

We head to the kitchen and I sit down at the table and wait for karl to make breakfast.

"Bacon and eggs!!!" I say with excitement.

[Karl pov]

Her voice is so cute.

"Alright, I'm down for some bacon and eggs"

I start to make bacon and eggs every couple of seconds looking back at her, seeing if she was ok.

She was so adorable.

"Also um I ahte to ask but how did I go from weering a dress to your merch?" She said still messing up her words. She still sounded cute tho.

"I changed your clothes, umm I just realized how weird and awkward that sounds"

"Its fine"

I finish making breakfast and I put her plate down in front of her and she started to eat it, I sat down next to her and began to eat my own food.

"So, this that how you are at every party?" I ask.

"No, usually I'm you and I drive the other person home and shit but I'm tried of being that friend, I'm tried of being the friend that has to tell the other friend stuff that'll upset them, I'm sick of being the friend that doesn't have any fun" She replies as she looks out the kitchen window.

"Well, you don't always have to be that friend" I say as I look up from my plate.

"Exactly and I don't want to be that friend. I wanna have fun and enjoy myself and not have to worry about others" She says as she looks back at me.

"You don't always need to worry about others, but its good to care about others safety" I say as I quickly look back at my food.

"Ik but you just don't get it, I'm always that friend and because of that I can't have any fun because I'm just the get away driver or some dumb shit"

"I do get it, I just...I'm ok with being that friend"

"And I'm perfectly fine with that, you can be anything you want, I'm just saying that most people don't understand"

Then it was silence until I stood up and took mine and her plate to the sink.

"Here, I'll wash those for you" Y/n calls out as he rushes over to the kitchen.

"Sure, go right ahead"

[Y/n pov]

I offered to wash he dishes or well when I say offered I really mean I told him and he said ok.

I finish washing the four dishes and I wash the soap off my hands, that wasn't so difficult.

I walk past karl and I could see that he was in deep thought about something and I didn't wanna ruined that so I left him alone.

I walk past karl again but this time I stand there and I look him the eyes.

Until he does something that I didn't expect him to do.

[Karl pov]

I kissed her, for a good ol 8 seconds before she pulled away, this is gonna be awkward. But then she kisses me again before grabbing her purse and walking out the door, I watch from the window as I see her starting to jog down the road.

[Y/n pov]

He kissed me, I kissed him back then I ran away. Gosh I'm so stupid now he's gonna think that I don't like him back even tho I kinda do but he has sapnap and I'm not gonna get in between that but then again I did like karl back and he was the one who helped me through everything.

Gosh I guess only time will tell, I finally reach my house as I go to open the door I feel scared. What if he doesn't like me?, what of sapnap hates me after this?, what if karl tells everyone he knows?, oh my god this is really happening. I open the door and quickly close it as I slide down my door.

Hiiii, author here again hope you liked this chapter, again the last chapter and this one was based off of something that happened just a couple nights ago to my friend so jts based off a true story.

1116 words

Met on a mrbeast video KarlJacobs x female y/n Where stories live. Discover now