Jealous Sapnap

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[Y/n pov]

Its just about time for the karaoke stream with karl so I start my stream a bit early and put on a loading screen for two minutes before starting the stream and explaining what I'm gonna be doing.

"So basically me, karl, sapnap and quackity are doing karaoke"

I could see a lot of positive messages and song requests in chat but if I picked one of them then everyone will want their song ideas played and I don't know if I would have the time to sing all of the requests.

Karl texted me saying its time get on the smp so I load into the server and karl tells me to follow him so I follow him over to a stage and we start.

"Wait wait wait, karl" Sapnap said

"Ya?" Karl replied.

"Why is y/n here?"

"Idk, I thought she should join, why?"

"Nothing, just wanted to know" I checked his stream and saw his face, he looked upset or jealous. Was he jealous of my relationship with karl? And that karl invited me?

"So who wants to sing first?" Karl asked.

"I think y/n should, She is new to karaoke streams" Sapnap says in a rude tone.

"I don't like the tone your using with me" I tell Sapnap

"What did you just say to me?!"

"I said "I don't like the tone your using with me" I wasn't scared of him and he wasn't very scary.

"OK LISTEN HERE Y/N, YOU DON'T COME IN HERE AND START TALKING ABOUT MY TONE OR STARTTALKING SHIT ABOUT ME!" Sapnap yelled then he was quiet and I could hear dream talking through Sapnaps mic.

"Dude can you stop yelling like our neighbors can probably hear you" dream says.

"Sorry jeez, I'll stop yelling"

sapnap stopped talking for awhile.

"Ok then also quackity just messaged me saying that he can't make it" karl says.

"Ok, shall we start?" I ask karl.


"What the hell Sapnap!?"

"Guys stop fighting please" Karl says in a serious and kinda sad/annoyed tone.


"I'm not doing anything"


"Its not a excuse"

"SHUT UP" Dream then walked in again im guessing because I could hear him through Sapnaps mic.

"Dude for the second time, stop with the yelling"

"Sorry sorry"

"Stop yelling, I'm serious like I'm trying to sleep"

"Ok I will jeez like sorry"

I'm again assuming that Dream left because I couldn't hear him anymore.

"Ok guys let's do some karaoke" Karl says trying to stop the fighting.

"Thats what I've be-" Sapnap cut me off.

"Shut up y/n" I could see my chat going crazy but I ignored it.

"Yk what sapnap, I'm done, cya bitches" I leave the game and the call.

"Ugh, I hate him, he's so protective of karl and its so annoying sometimes but other times it's cute how he protects him but this time it was just annoying like I wasn't even doing anything" I say to myself and my chat.

"I'm still gonna watch his stream tho, Karl's not sapnaps so bye guys see ya next time, I'm gonna raid karl btw go give him lots of love<3 " I raid karl and see his happy reaction and sapnaps jealous one then I went to my bed and layed there watching tiktoks until I fell asleep at 10:30pm.

The next morning I get a text from karl.

KarlJacobs: I'm sorry about Sapnap, he can be a bit much sometimes just don't take anything he said seriously. Also thanks for the raid.

Y/n: anytime and sapnap was being a bit of a bitch when I wasn't even doing anything.

KarlJacobs: ik and I'm sorry.

Y/n: it's not your fault so don't worry about it.

Karljacobs: I'm still sorry tho, I'm sure it was probably just a bad night to stream with him. I promise that he's not always like that

Y/n: Ik ik. Idk tho it can be cute when he protects you or whatever but this time it was just annoying

KarlJacobs: Ik and I'm sorry again

Y/n: Nah man it's all good.

I hope today isn't like yesterday, I start the morning off with a cup of tea and a walk around the neighborhood.

I get home and I get ready to make lunch when my doorbell rings.

Thanks for reading this chapter if anyone even read it lmao, I'm using a new way to show the texts instead of this
Hey y/n.

I'm doing this. KarlJacobs: Hey y/n.

I changed the style of it so ya umm.
I guess that's all I need to say, so bye.

815 words

Met on a mrbeast video KarlJacobs x female y/n Where stories live. Discover now