What Needs to be Done

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"I just heard from Iris again!" Ryunosuke said, his hand wrapped tight around the felt Hareley. "It seems Lord van Zieks was sharp enough to give us a lead! So, we're going to investigate together."

"'Im upstairs is bein' real kind, innit?" Gina said, a light, relieved smile on her lips. "I was really scared, me."

"I was too," Ryunosuke said. "But the doctors said he should be fully on the mend now. It just might take some time before he can move around safely."

Kazuma scoffed and snatched a paper off his desk. While his narrowed eyes were directed at the page, it was clear he wasn't really reading it at all. "He's an idiot and he nearly died because of that."

Ryunosuke frowned, a wave of hurt rolling through him. "Kazuma...I know you were worried about him too."

Kazuma set the paper down and looked squarely at Ryunosuke. His eyes were full of gloom, his mouth a thin line, his face drawn. But his brows slanted downwards, as if some anger were mixed into the emotion as well.

"His mercy was foolish. We need to stop the Custodian by any means necessary. Yet van Zieks turned his back on the man, knowing he's insane. Knowing he carries a gun. It was like he was begging to get shot," Kazuma said.

"Kaz. Come off it, would ya. Gettin' real sick of your 'atin' van Zieks act right about now," Gina said.

"I'm not putting on an act," Kazuma growled, his features tightening. "I am merely stating the facts. We all know what the Custodian is capable of and that he's out of his mind. And now he's free again. You know, he even implied he would escape if we caught him. Don't you see? Can either of you not see what needs to be done?" A snarl leapt onto Kazuma's face, his eyes bright and deep with a grim resolve, a morose fury. He gestured in an aggressive way, his hand bound in a tight fist. "We need to execute him. It's the only way to stop him!"

"Kazuma..." Ryunosuke said. It was painful to see Kazuma look like this, to hear him speak like this. Especially because Ryunosuke could tell that Kazuma really meant it. He really believed what he was saying.

"Don't start with me, Ryunosuke. I know what you're going to say and I can't agree with you. Members of the judiciary and the Yard are issued firearms for a reason. Aren't we, Gina?" Kazuma said.

"Yeah...we are. But...that don't mean we use 'em for wotever we like. That's only for life or death, innit," Gina said.

"Life or death. This is certainly life or death. It's not a matter of principles. In point of fact, it was van Zieks' ideals that failed him. That's why he's wasting away in the hospital, close to death. By all accounts, it's lucky he's even alive still at all," Kazuma continued.

Gina clutched her cap between her hands. "Wos it really so bad?"

"Whatever you're imagining, it was worse. I saw it for myself," Kazuma snapped.

"Kazuma. That's enough. We nearly lost a good friend...I think you need to rest," Ryunosuke said.

"I thought you believed in the truth, no matter how painful. Well, the truth is van Zieks was blinded by his values. We can't allow something like that to happen again. Last thing I want is to risk losing any of you. So, Inspector Lestrade, keep your gun close. Ryunosuke...use Karuma if you have to. If you continue down this path, you're going to realise that investigations are pointless. The Custodian won't stop unless he dies. He made that painfully clear," Kazuma said.

"Kaz, I...I duuno. I want to believe in our friends," Gina said.

Kazuma scowled at her. "It's not a matter of belief or a lack of belief. We simply need to accept that sometimes people have to die."

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