Dinner - 3

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All the tier 3 omegas walked in a scattered group towards the pack house. It was only a few yards from the large barn that we used to change clothes. But with wet hair, and the chilly night breeze it felt like miles. We approached a massive building pieced together by ancient grey bricks. Several large windows overlooked the wide yard beneath. We must be in the back of the pack house then. There was no drive way, no cars. Only grass, a few flower beds and a fountain. A thin pattern of stone steps weaved around the fountain and the surrounding flower beds. It was actually quite beautiful. Evil things often are.

I counted 6 marble slab steps leading up to the solid dark wood double doors. The Shrew was the first to reach the top of the stairs and threw both doors open. None of us wasted any time shuffling into the pack house. I tried to keep up with Zoe, but my eyes were constantly pulled to various pieces of decor and the overall wicked elegance of the house interior. It looked more like a castle rather than a pack house. The floor was solid black marble and echoed with the clacking high heels of several beautiful women walking throughout the ground floor. Straight ahead, directly beneath the pack house front door, were two curved staircases that joined at the top of the second story. A whimsical gold railing, full of twists and loops, connected the bottom of both stairs to the top. The main entry way was clear and open, only a few tables, and two wide hallways leading in either direction.

My time to observe was cut short as we were herded into the grand hallway to the right. There were many doors on either side of our path, but when we nearly reached the end, a sleek metal swinging door was pushed back into another small hallway. No doubt to help keep it out of sight, a servants entry to the kitchen.

Through the kitchen door, my eyes widened at the almost futuristic look of the kitchen appliances. Everything looked brand new and untouched. It reminded me of an expensive set up on some extreme cooking show. The entire room smelt of pine and polish, which is also probably the work of the omegas.

Right away, everyone began assigning themselves a station, in groups of twos and threes. It wasn't difficult to tell that they've done this many times before. I hated them. All of them. Lower omegas or not, their pack was responsible for the death of my own.

Then, The Shrew began to shriek, "Alright runts! Tonight is roast beef baked with garden vegetables, seasoned diced potatoes, buttered green beans and chocolate pudding. Hop to it, we're late enough as it is!" After posting the list of food, and recipes for the evening on a cork bulletin board, she exited the kitchen.

In order to stay out of the way and go unnoticed, I didn't speak. I just followed Zoe's instructions and did as she asked me to do. It was our job to wash the potatoes, dice them and spread them out onto 5 large baking pans. Two other omegas were helping us, a boy and a girl. They each mirrored Zoe's corpse-like appearance. Sunken ocean blue eyes, pale skin and frail bodies. But they worked diligently nonetheless.

About 15 minutes into cutting the potatoes, the young boys' curiosity gave out. He looked up at me, and furrowed his brows, like he was trying to figure something out. "You're new.." he finally said.

I glanced at Zoe who was still busy cutting. "Yeah..I am." I replied.

He pushed further, "Are you from Northside Pack then? A survivor?"

"A survivor?" I placed the knife down. "Your pack stormed into my home, used guns to murder our innocents and tore my only family away from me. Hit me over the head and dropped me in a wasteland barn just so I could be a slave to the very wolves who took EVERYTHING FROM ME!"

The boy parted his lips to speak, but decided to shut them. Good.

"They're still using guns?" My eyes slid to the other girl, next to him, across from Zoe and I. Why did she sound so surprised? Still, Zoe said nothing.

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