Omega Slåughter - 11

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(Enjoy this sneak peach of chapter 11! Head over to the the Dreame reading app for the rest!]

Elliana/Bella POV:

It couldn't be. It can't be. Goddess please no!
I grabbed Zoe's hand and gripped it with all my might as we stared at our two friends. Our family.

My bones were stiff, keeping me from moving, I stayed planted in my seat. It was Zoe who found the strength to stand up first. She headed for the railings. I quickly grabbed for her sleeve, pulling myself up to her ear and whispering as quietly as I possibly could, "we can't."

A whimper escaped her lips, and I had to tug her back to our seats. We couldn't afford to show any weakness. No fear. We looked at our friends, Brandon stood on shaky knees next to Ava. They seemed like two pups with tails tucked compared to some of the other omegas seemingly foaming at the mouth. Those omegas were the others who had trained for this day. But they hadn't trained to increase their rank..they trained to fight here, to die here. To commit a fighting suicide.

We tried, time and time again, to convince Brandon and Ava to exercise with us; to train with us. But Brandon abhors violence, and he could never see himself conforming to Black Moons' norm. Ava was too afraid of being caught, and punished. No one could blame her for that.

Goddess please protect them, I thought, let them be brave. Let them be strong. Let them feel no pain.

Zoe and I laced our fingers together, and tried to keep each other calm. We both knew that our own situation was delicate, and I was not under the impression that Brandon and Ava's current positions were of coincidence.
Someone would be waiting for our reactions.

Cautiously, I started looking around a bit. Wolves were yelling, placing bets, and taunting the tier 3 omegas in the ring.

Never have I felt so completely and utterly useless. Even when I was a child, losing Avery, I fought with everything I had until I was knocked unconscious. Here, I had to sit pretty and patient, waiting for my friends to be killed. I was trapped inside my own skin, itching and burning to jump in and save them.

The alpha was still speaking into the microphone, currently introducing the ranked contenders. "..Aiden Mitchell and Veronica Silvers!" He cheered.

Our attention slid from our friends over to the ranked wolves. Where they were wearing fresh leather fighting apparel, and carried large-pure-silver lined blades; the omegas wore tattered, worn out leathers and small weapons. Some weren't carrying any weapons at all. At least theyre able to shift..but wait.

"What's around Brandon's neck?" I asked Zoe.
"I'm not sure, but Ava has one too. It looks like.." she replied. Then we realized.

No. That isn't fair! They're wearing silver chains! I turned to look Zoe in the eyes, "They can't shift." I said softly. This is different. This was against the rules!

Suddenly, a loud fog horn blared, signaling the start of the event. We knew how this event would go. It's the same every year.
The ranked fighters chase and scatter the omegas, teasing them. Then, they're picked off one by one.

Brandon held Ava by the wrist as they ran to the far side of the arena, away from danger. Once they reached the wall, Brandon kept Ava behind him, holding out his other arm with a short blade in his hand.
He is brave. A small wave of pride passed over me, and Zoe too, no doubt.

Zoe hit my leg. "Look." She told me. I followed her attention to Aiden, one of the packs warriors, heading towards our friends....

 I followed her attention to Aiden, one of the packs warriors, heading towards our friends

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Ava & Brandon 🖤

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Ava & Brandon 🖤

Ava & Brandon 🖤

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