Happy birthday Bella! - 8

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Bella/Elliana POV:

It's almost noon, and there's still no sign of my wolf.
Oh Goddess, what if she doesn't come?

All of the omegas have been preparing for the tournament since early this morning. From setting up the bleachers, to hammering posts into the ground, it really feels like I'm literally digging my own grave.

Zoe woke up with a bright and mischievous smile, dragging me into the kitchen of the pack house. Opening the fridge, and pulling out the bottom drawer, she retrieved a small plastic container. It was well hidden, but she still risked a massive beating for it. Because inside the container was a puff pastry that she snagged from a pack event two nights ago. It was strawberry flavored, my favorite.

"Happy birthday Bella!" She whisper yelled. She was so excited that I couldn't bring myself to get after her for taking such a risk. So instead, we shared the dessert for breakfast and I gave her a kiss on the forehead, "Thanks Zo, I love you." I told her. She beamed with happiness, proud of herself, and said, "well duh I love you too!"

I shook off the sweet memory from this morning as I noticed Damien walking towards me with his hands in his pockets. His face was twisted into a look of disappointment, but quickly changed into a smirk.
I rolled my eyes and continued putting together one of the large weapons racks, that was to sit inside the fighting arenas.

He appeared quickly at my left ear, "Happy birthday gorgeous." He whispered, causing me to let out a small gasp.
"Can you not?!" I yelled, shoving him away. The less intimate details that this pack knows about me, the better. And I still don't fully trust Damien.

"How did you know about that anyway?" I huffed. He shrugged, "Zoe told me."

Of course she did.

Granted, he's been good to Zoe and I since I got here, but that doesn't mean I know his true intentions. No wolf in this pack does anything out of charity. My feelings, And this tug I feel towards him might only be from my strange female hormones for all I know! I want to trust him. But I can't.

"So when do I get to meet her?" Damien asks, leaning against the low wall of the fighting ring.

Glaring up at him, "What are you talking about?"

He continued to smirked down at me, "Your wolf princess, when do I get to meet her?"

"One, stop calling me that. Two...she hasn't arrived yet..." I looked away. It's mid-day and my wolf hasn't appeared. It's a little unsettling. Most people wake up on their 18th birthday being greeted by their wolf.

"Hey, don't worry, she'll be here. Hopefully before you commit suicide..You know, I can still sneak your name off the event list." I could hear the desperation in his voice. It made me feel conflicted. Was I insulted or flattered?


Frustration rose inside my chest, "I'm not suicidal, and I'm not backing out. Can't you have a little faith in me? I mean, you did train me after all...Stud." This time I smirked. Yah, that felt better. He hated when I called him "Stud".

Damien fake gagged and crossed his arms, "Please don't. I hate it enough when Veronica calls me that." He can't do much about it either, she's the Beta's daughter, and she's had her sights set on him for years. Despite the fact that she's 25 years old (clearly not his mate), she still shamelessly throws herself at him.

Veronica once gave me the beating of a lifetime for "flirting with her future husband". It was a boiling summer day. Tier 3 omegas were hauling new supplies into the pack house. She saw Damien take a large bag of flour from me, and help carry it into the kitchen. Veronica claimed I was beneath her, beneath Damien, and that I didn't deserve his help.

She ambushed me one evening as I was walking to the barn. There weren't many people around. But Damien was there. Veronica slammed into me, knocking me to the ground. Two of her friends held my arms as she punched me in the stomach. This b!tch knew she couldn't take me on with just herself. Even so, she was the beta's daughter.

I couldn't fight back, and Damien couldn't defend me, so he walked away. That royally pissed me off. I didn't speak to him for weeks. He said he just, couldn't watch.

Even though, I know he couldn't stop her, I couldn't help the rip in my heart watching him turn his back...and walk away.

This was my way of getting back at him. "Oooh come now Stud, don't be so stoic." I whined, my best impersonation of Veronica, placing my hands on my waist, and pouting my lip.

Damien uncrossed his arms and took a step closer to me, "Anything for you, my Princess." He said in a husky low voice, rubbing his thumb on my cheek. Those intense blue eyes peering at me, as a few inky strands of hair fell in his face.

Damn it.

I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks, and by the smug look on his stupid face, he noticed. I quickly doubled over, pretending to vomit, in the grass.

He cracked a side smile, content with his victory. I rolled my eyes at him, but inside, my heart fluttered at his playful flirts. I had to remind myself that he probably didn't mean anything by it. He couldn't. He's just messing around with me. I'm an omega here. I'm nothing. He wouldn't seriously look at me that way. That thought alone hurt me for some reason.

Damien's face went serious, "I mean it thoug...today's been rough enough already. Don't get yourself killed. Please."

I gave him a tight smile and said, "I'll try not to, but what else happened today that went wrong?" His face looked shocked for a moment, as if he'd said too much. Clearing his throat he smiled, "nothing for you to worry about princess, I've got to head inside and take care of some business, I'll check on you later."

I waved him off and finished the last few touches on the weapons rack. What else could be bothering Damien, that he couldn't tell me about? He told me just about everything. I've even warned him not to trust me so easily. Though, he claimed that I was just "easy to talk to" and not enough of a threat to worry about.
Ouch. But also, it made me feel kinda nice.

Despite that thin wall I've kept up between us, I can't fight the feelings I have for him. . I use to think it was Zoe that he was interested in. But after some time, I realized he gave me more attention. The way he spoke softly to me, joked with me. I've never seen him act that way any other time, with any other person. Still, it's been difficult to be certain. So I've kept my feelings to myself.

On our 16th birthday, our wolf can appear. We have until we turn 18 before we lose hope of getting a wolf. I'm still waiting for her. Starting today, I'll also be able to gain one more thing, from here on out I'll be able to find my mate. And clearly...Damien isn't mine.

Upon my realization of this one little truth, an ache formed at the base of my soul. At least I had my answer though..he isn't meant for me, nor I for him.

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