Preparing - 10

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      Bella/Elliana POV:

      All of the preparations for the tournament were completed, and all of the omegas were sent away to get ready. Zoe and I bathed and dressed in silence. Despite being sure of our decision, we were both still afraid. How could we not be? We trained in secret, but did we train enough? We had courage, but would it last?

      It was difficult to sit still with the amount of anxiety coursing through my body, but Zoe gets angry if I move too much while she's braiding my hair.

      Would this be the last time she does so, my mind wonders. Try as I might, I can't shake the feeling that I'm going to lose tonight. I wasn't entirely upset about it either. I know it's a morbid mindset, but I can't help it.

      Her dainty fingers comb through my dark hair as she skillfully twists and tucks each strand into place. Once more, I imagined my mother. She would braid my hair each morning before training. Her smooth hands scratched softly at my scalp, as she sang to me. She loved me. She took care of me. Just like Zoe and I take care of each other.

      Finally, she secured the end of the second braid with an elastic. Two Dutch style braids, one on each side of my head, will keep my hair from getting in my face tonight.

      "All done!" Zoe chimes. She's already braided her own hair; it matches perfectly with mine. As she gets up and finishes getting dressed, the corners of my mouth turn up into a small smile. This girl has been like family to me for so long. I can't lose her. And I can't continue lying to her.

      Zoe spins on her heel to face me, "Come on Bells, we can't be late." She says.

      I nod. She's right. We were given special fighting clothes to use for tonight. They weren't brand new my any means, in fact, I'm pretty sure they were worn by previous, fallen omegas. But the thicker black leather material was better for fighting than our regular T-shirt and leggings.

      The boots I was given were a size too small, and lacing them up was proving to be a challenge, but I managed.

      After inspecting each other, we exchange tight lipped smiles and rushed into a warm embrace. "No matter what happens," Zoe whispers, "I love you, and I'm proud of you".

      "I love you too." I reply, trying to hold the tears in. We cannot afford to show any weakness tonight. It's bad enough I might have to fight without a wolf. She still hasn't made an appearance, and it's nearly 10pm already. "I have to tell you something else," I tell her. Zoe looks concerned and waits for me to continue.

      I look down and say,"I've lied to you..about who I am. My name isn't Bella." Zoe's eyes widen a bit, clearly shocked.
    I try quickly to explain, "I couldn't share my real name, and I'm sorry it's taken so long. I feared for my life when I was brought here. My real name is Elliana. Elliana Gomez. I'm the daughter of Alpha Joseph Gomez." The tears were pooling in my eyes, "If I die tonight, I wanted you to know me. The real me." I finished.

      Zoe just smiled, tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear and said, "I DO know the real you. No matter what you call yourself, you'll always be my friend and my family, and you're not going to die." She hugged me tighter and we stayed that way for a few extra moments.

      We separated ourselves reluctantly, and headed for the training grounds. It's been entirely reorganized for the tournament. Large bleachers are stationed in a circle surrounding the field. Four Weapons racks are placed on the inner perimeter of the ring, equal distance apart.

      The largest set of bleachers contains a private area for the alpha and his family, beta, and a few other chosen wolves. People start filing in, and filling up the seats according to their ranks. The bitter sting of alcohol and cigarettes invades my nose. My sense of smell has completely developed to it's fullest potential, but it seems more like a curse in the current moment.

      Zoe and I head to the seating area designated for participating omegas at the lowest spot of the bleachers. Wolves in the seats above us start screeching and laughing at us. "Goodbye little pups!" One of them yells. They're soldiers of Black Moon's pack, but they are weak and cowardly. The type that uses guns in a wolf fight. It's disgraceful.

      We do our best to ignore their chants of our impending demise, but it's not easy. Other onlookers from all over the arena are participating now. Mocking, teasing and laughing at us. This is just a game to them. For Zoe and I, it's our lives, our only chance.

      Several Blinding spot lights turn on with a loud click, click, click, click and illuminate the fighting arena. That's when all those in the stands go mad with howls and applause. I look around the arena, but I can't spot Damien anywhere. My heart is crying out for him. For this male who won't ever be mine, and who wouldn't want me in the first place. Still, I wish he was close. If nothing else, he, Zoe, Brandon and Ava were the closest thing I had to friends and a family anymore. That reminded me.

      "Have you seen Brandon or Ava?" I leaned over to ask Zoe. After thinking for a moment, she shakes her head no. "They've probably been seated on the other side. They'll be fine." She says.

      She's probably right. But I've never gone an entire day without seeing one of them. Although, today was especially hectic, so I guess it's not totally unusual. I just wanted them close as well. Brandon knew how to make me laugh even when I was nauseous with anxiety.

  We were about to be thrown into the lions pit, and all I wanted were my friends with me. And Damien. I wanted him here with me. I wanted to catch him smiling at me, like he did sometimes. I wanted him to hold me. I also wanted these thoughts to go away before I drove myself mad with heartbreak.
      He's not my mate, I try to remind myself.

      Then, the alpha clears his throat into a microphone, "Welcome all to this grand annual occasion!" He booms. All the wolves cheer and scream in excitement. "As always, the first event shall be the Omega Slaughter. We are eager to see our best and finest show their skill in this entry level event for new participants. One such pupil is our young Veronica Silvers, our own beta's daughter!" Veronica stood up, at the alpha's side and smiled at the crowd, and gave a slight bow to the alpha. I couldn't help but to roll my eyes at her. Then I saw him, Damien was up top,next to HER. He was seated next to that red headed, egotistical, beta brat! Sitting next to a female, at an event like this.. .was he trying to make a statement? That theyre.. together?

      Veronica sat back down and placed her hand on Damien's thigh. He turned his head to look at her, and that's when I had to tear my eyes away. I couldn't stand to watch any longer. My mind was racing with pain, anger and confusion. HES NOT MY MATE. HES NOT. MY. MATE. I couldn't pay attention to much of what the alpha was saying, I think he was introducing the omegas for the first event.
  why is Damien sitting by her? Why is he allowing her to touch him? My mind scrambles.

      Suddenly Zoe gripped my arm so tight that her nails dug deep into my skin. "Zoe what the h-" I stopped, and followed her fear filled gaze to the center of the fighting ring.

      My lungs stopped working. My heart threatened to beat out of my chest. All I could do was stare, stare at the 2 of the 6 figures with eyes wide open. "No." I breathed.

      There, amongst the omegas forcėd to participate in the Omega Slaughter, stood Brandon and Ava.

[Authors Note: thank you so much for all of your support and time reading my story! I've recently signed a contract with the Dreame reading app! I'm so excited for this journey and I hope you'll continue supporting my writing. Hop over to dreame to continue reading "Trials Under the Moon"!]

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