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It was a beautiful day in the grand city of Asgard. Blonde, handsome, and arrogant Prince Thor of Asgard was doing what he normally did on days like this. He was with his friends warriors three, and the Great Lady Sif. They were practicing sword combat and laughing as friends should do.

"Another round!" Thor bellows.

"You know you're only saying that because you can't stand that I beat you," Sif replies, sharpimg her sword.

Volstagg, Fandral, and Hogun all burst out laughing at the expression on Thor's face.

"I let you."

"Sure you did." 

The group continue their practicing, smiling and laughing the entire time. Meanwhile in the comfort of his own room, lies Prince Loki, sitting in his emmerakd chair by the window reading an Asgard classic. He watches his brother and his buddies as they play around with swords. He rolls his eyes.

"Pathetic imbeciles..." he mutters, and licks his finger to turn the page.

Loki never had any interests in learning how to define himself physically, because his mother had taught him magic.  Loki would often remind Thor that she didn't teach him. Although Frigga scolded Loki for doing so, she was glad that he carried some pride with him. She new how he felt. It's what mothers do.

Loki always felt as if he was walking in Thor's shadow.  While since he much smaller than Thor and he often finds that happening literally, he means it metaphorically as well.  In the presence of his father, he always feels like a small star, while Thor is the galaxy.

After a few moments, the prince shuts his window as he cannot stand the hollowing of his brother any longer.  Taking a break from his book, he sets it down on his sable, and stands up for, the luxury of his seat.  He strides out if his room and walks with his hands behind his back to his mother's office.  It's tucked into a corner of the large palace.  

"Hello, mother."  Loki greets.

"Good morning, Loki."  She replies with a warm smile.

"Good?  You obviously haven't been outside yet."  Loki remarks.  He didn't mean to seem rude, but sometimes stuff like that just comes out.

"I think it's you who hasn't been out."  Frigga sets down the quill she was writing with.  She folds up her letter, and slides it into a white envelope decorated with gold accents.

"Who are you writing to?"

"One of our maids is sick, so I'm sending the family some money."

'You've always been too kind, mother."

"My dear, it is always possible to be too malicious and foul, but never kind.  Kindness can change the world."

"Hmm."  Loki hums.  Though he may not show it, he deeply values his mother's words.

"So, what is the reason you came?"  Frigga asks.

"I just needed to be around an intelligent presence."

Frigga smiles at her son's words.  "Speaking of such, the royal family of Vanaheim will be dining with us tonight.  They are some of the smartest people I know.  At least the queen is.."  she mutters the last part.

"Oh joy!  There is truly nothing like discussing politics over rich food with even richer people.  I won't know what to do with all that fun,"  Loki sneers.

His mother continues, "They will be bringing their daughter along with them, because she will soon be queen and they want her to start getting the feels of it.  We will be talking about land usage and such, so i expect you to be on your very best behavior,"

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