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Fez sat there staring at Jayden with his mouth open slightly, trying to wrap his head around what the young girl had just explained to him in the last 20 minutes.

"Wait a second, lemme get this straight, your mother died 7 years ago, your father started abusing you after that, you ran away after he beat the shit outta you, you got on a bus with just a duffle bag with clothes and money in it, and your only 15?"

he asked with his usually hooded eyes wide open.

"Uh yeah, that pretty much sums it all up," Jayden said sheepishly.

" damn kid, that's gotta be hard huh?" Fez said with a frown.

Jayden looked down " Uh yeah, it's not the easiest thing in the world but it is what it is I guess" She shrugged.

Fez looked at her with sympathy swimming in his ocean-colored eyes.

"Well do u have anywhere to go?"

Jayden looked up with tears pooling in her doe eyes, not having the heart to say it out loud so she shook her head, all of a sudden finding her beat-up converse very interesting.

"Shit kiddo, what chu' gon' do then?" he asked with a worried expression on his freckled face.

Jayden looked up with a tear-stained face, trying to find out what she was really going to do but not coming up with any good answers. She was still in a lot of pain and never thought about where she would stay once she got here. She was mentally punching herself in the face for not thinking about it.

" Honestly, I'm not really sure, I guess I could try and get a hotel room but I would only have enough money for a couple of nights, but it's ok, I'll figure it out something."

Fez felt some sort of protection over the young girl, not in a creepy way, just in a brotherly way. He felt like he needed to protect her from any and everything. which is why he came up with a crazy in the moment idea that he knew he would've never said to anyone.

"Well this may be a little weird but, you could stay with me for a little bit, Just until you figure things out," Fezco suggested

Jayden's eyes whipped to his making the pressure in her head stronger.

"Oh my God really?" she asked with her eyes wide open and a slight smile on her bruised face.

"I mean yea I guess, we could get you all patched up too, cause no offense kid, but you look like shit," he said with a slight grin forming on his face at her excitement.

Jayden lets out a light chuckle.

"Yea, I know. But that would be great Fez, thank you so much." Jayden beamed.

She somehow knew that Fez was a good and safe person, so she had no problem with his offer, she was just happy that she would have a roof over her head.

" aight' good, lemme just lock up real quick and we can leave," he said.

"Alright sound's good," she said with a smile.

Jayden slowly stood up from the chair she had been previously sitting in with a low groan, she had somehow forgotten how much pain she had been in while talking to Fezco.

"Aye take it, easy kid, we don't need you anymore banged up than you already are," he said with a pointed look on his face.

Jayden nodded her head at his words, thankful for his concern. She slowly walked to where her bag was on top of the counter and cautiously placed the strap onto her shoulder and limped towards the exit once she saw Fez coming towards her to leave.

Fex had led her to his car and taken her bag from her before putting it into the backseat, then helping her get into the car and making sure she was good before closing the door and making his way onto his side. He got in and started the car and began driving his way home.

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