The Homecoming Drama

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Duncan cleared his throat and took a deep breathe as he walked towards the front door of the (L/n) family's house. He took another deep breathe and rang the door bell. The door opened and (F/n) was standing there. His eyes narrowed slightly when he saw Duncan who gulped nervously when their eyes met.

"Ah, Duncan. You're here," (F/n) said with a blunt look while Duncan smiled nervously as he smiled at him.
(F/n)'s eyes stared down at Duncan. Indeed, it's a great mystery why fathers stare down at guys who comes to pick up their daughters.
"H-hey Mr. (L/n)! Good evening," he said, nervously while (F/n)'s stoic expression remained. "Ah, yes. Yes. You're here to pick up (Y/n), I suppose," he said and Duncan laughed nervously as he nodded, scratching the back of his neck, "Uhh...yea, I am."

"Yes. Yes. Now, listen, boy. I want my daughter to be b-" (F/n) started, but stopped when (Y/n) appeared from behind him, putting a hand on her father's shoulder, "Ok, Papa. I think you've already said quite enough with that look in your eyes. Don't make my date run away with that scary look in your eyes," the girl said with a chuckle while Duncan's eyes widened and his jaws dropped when he saw her. "Wow..." he mumbled, staring down at her while the girl blushed and slowly stepped in front of him.

She cleared her throat gently, smiling at him. "Ahem. You look nice," she said, blushing slightly, making Duncan snapped out of his gaze as he blushed slightly and took another look at himself.

"Oh, y-yeah. My mom picked out this suit. I-I think it's kind of...wait what I am saying? I mean, you look nice, too! You look...perfect," Duncan said dreamily, looking into (Y/n)'s eyes with a smile while the girl blushed and smiled happily, cupping a few strands of her hair away behind her ear, "Thank you." (F/n) cleared his throat loudly and they blushed as they chuckled nervously, realizing both of them were lost with each other.

"Haha, shall we?" Duncan asked, holding out his hand for (Y/n) who blushed at his gesture. She smiled and gently took it, wrapping her arms around her as they took a few steps while (F/n) closed the door behind him with a sigh. Just then, (Y/n) smiled happily when she saw Isabel and Ken standing there with smiles on their faces, "Guys!" "Hey, hey, hey. There's our princess with her knight. Hey, Mr. (L/n)!" Isabel said with a chuckle, making (Y/n) and Duncan rolled their eyed with a smile. "Hello," Kenny said, simply, warmly smiling at the two and (F/n).

"Ah, Isabel. Kenny. Nice to see you both," (F/n) said with a smile, greeting at them while Isabel and Kenny smiled at him. "I thought you two weren't interested in these sorts of things," (F/n) added, making Isabel chuckled. "Well, we usually don't do school functions, but since this is the first dance with a Kaiju alert level, Kenny and I didn't want to miss it," she said, making (F/n) shake his head with a smile. "Kids, these days," he mumbled while (Y/n) giggled.

Just then, they heard a car honking and they all turned around to see, Margaret smiling at them from the driver seat in her car as she called out to them. "Let's get this show on the road. (F/n) and I are supposed to be there early." (F/n) chuckled as he turned back to our gang. "Alright, kids. Let's roll," he said and everyone smiled as they started heading towards the car. (F/n) got onto the passenger seat beside Margaret while Isabel and Kenny went to get on from the other side of the back seat. Duncan smiled and opened the door for (Y/n) like how a gentle man would do, making the girl smiled as she thanked him and got into the car with Duncan following her right behind her. And with that, they started heading towards school unaware of the things that awaits for them ahead.


As the darkness of the night approaches, two kaijus slowly continued to approach the city from between the rocks while the nightlight of the city dimly shines in the distance.

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