Chapter 5

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Sana stared at her untouched plate, her mind bristling with the memory of the scene in the hallway. Tzuyu's scent- a warm earthy fragrance still permeated her nostrils, making every breath impossible to take without inhaling the very essence of him that brought to mind hot steamy nights and writhing bodies atop silk sheets, an unwanted thought that nevertheless caused waves of heat to travel down to parts she did not wish to think about.

She frowned at the thought and maliciously stabbed at a piece of food with her fork, wishing it was Chou Tzuyu's head. He was the enemy and she was not supposed to be having lustful thoughts for a man who had done nothing but make her life miserable and had even sworn to bring about her complete and utter humiliation. Though, that would never happen. He would never succeed, not if she had anything to do with it.

Sana lifted her eyes and hazarded a glance at the object of her thoughts. Tzuyu seemed unaffected by their earlier encounter- if anything, he was having a good time if the way he was flirting shamelessly with his dinner companion was any indication. For Pete's sake, the poor woman appeared to be hanging onto his every word, completely oblivious to how deadly and vindictive Tzuyu could be. Unconsciously, her fingers tightened over her fork, jealous at how much a good time he was having while he had succeeded in ruining her night.

"Is the fish not to your liking?" Chan's voice startled her from her thoughts and she flushed, guilt washing over her. " I could order something else for you if you like?"

"Oh no!" Sana forced a smile, turning her attention back to her own date. "It's good, it's very good really."

"You've hardly touched it. And you've been glaring at your plate for the last half hour." His tone was amused.

"That's not because I don't like it."

Resolutely, she cut into the fish, taking a huge bite. The food was really very good and on another day, Sana would have enjoyed every bite, but not today. Certainly not with her self proclaimed arch enemy flirting like crazy a few tables away- a constant reminder of the chaos that had befallen her family in the last few days. She pushed the image of her father lying nearly helpless on a hospital bed awaiting surgery and swallowed, reaching for her glass of white wine and downing the contents in one gulp.

"More wine?" Chan held up the bottle, his eyes crinkling in amusement.

"Yes, please."

He refilled her glass and Sana flashed him a grateful smile before downing the second glass just as fast as the first. Chan raised an eyebrow but made no further comment, simply refilling the glass again, then set the bottle down, just out of her reach. The action did not escape Sana's notice and she blushed, wondering what he must be thinking- probably that she was an alcoholic. The thought did not sit well and Sana set down her glass, picking at her food again.

Sana stole yet another glance in Tzuyu's direction to find him watching her, a sardonic smile on his face even as he lifted his own wine glass in a mocking toast. The glare he got in return only seemed to amuse him further, though he merely shrugged and turned his attention back to his date.

She took a deep, fortifying drink of her wine and wished she were home, curled up on her bed with a box of chocolates and a magazine, far away from Tzuyu's cloying presence and this already ruined evening.

"Sana." Something in Chan's voice made her look up sharply. The easy amusement on his face was gone, to be replaced by a serious expression.

"Is something wrong?" She asked, still studying his face, trying to gauge his state of mind. "Look, I'm sorry I haven't been good company tonight- I promise I can make it up to you..."
He looked taken aback. "No-no, there's no need to apologize. I understand there's something on your mind tonight." He laughed, the sound putting her mind at ease.

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