Chapter 8

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"I don't think Tzuyu did it." Somi said, taking a sip of her latte, fingers wrapped around the paper cup for warmth. She studied her cousin over the rim of the steaming cup, frowning in concern at the strained look on Sana's face. "We may have only dated for a year, but I know him enough to know he never lies. He's always brutally honest."

Sana sighed, pressing two fingers of each hand to her temple in an effort to ease the throbbing headache that had plagued her since Tzuyu had stalked out the apartment two hours ago. "I don't know what to think Somi. There's too much coincidence involved for me to just believe he had nothing to do with it."

"Well, I believe the dude's as guilty as sin." Miyeon declared, still reading the offending article, nose wrinkled in disgust. "I mean c'mon, him rushing over to your apartment is enough proof of guilt."

"That's jumping to conclusions Miyeon." Somi shot Miyeon a quelling look. "There's no proof he came over because he was guilty."

"Oh please. How much proof do you need to see past your nose Somi?" Miyeon flung the paper aside and sat up, folding her legs under her body, sweeping wisps of dark hair from a face that had been described more than once as 'arresting'. "You want proof? How about the fact that he somehow happened to be at the same restaurant as Sana and her date?"

She held up a hand when Somi opened her mouth to protest. "Wait, I'm not done yet. This is the same guy who has been nursing a five year vendetta against Sana, effected a hostile takeover of your family's business all because of some creepy thirst for revenge and who has vowed total humiliation for her? You must be blind if you still think he's innocent."

"I know Tzuyu." Somi replied, jaw set in a stubborn line. "Regardless of what he's done or plans to do, I believe him if he says he didn't do it."

"You need to take off those blinders and see the guy for the devious creature he really is." Miyeon huffed, leaning over to snatch the coffee cup from Somi's unsuspecting fingers. "It's been five years girl, he must have changed a lot since you two dated. A man does not raise a multimillion dollar company in five years without sinking to some nasty levels."

Sana groaned, wishing the both of them would be quiet so she could think. Her mind still reeled from this morning's close call with Tzuyu and coupled with the newspaper article and the news Carlos had delivered, today was rapidly turning into one of the worst days of her life.

She suppressed a shudder as her mind replayed the scene in her room, cringing in shame at how easily she had succumbed to his seduction- had gotten lost in those kisses. Thank heavens Carlos' interruption had come when it did or she might be having a lot more to regret than just a few intimate kisses and caresses. God knew she could do without making any more mistakes like that in the future, certainly not with all that was going on in her life right now.

Miyeon was right, Tzuyu certainly had enough motive for releasing that damn article to the press, mainly because of his earlier threats but also because she could not think of one single person who stood to gain something from the story.

One small fact nagged at Sana though. If Tzuyu was guilty, why then had he come to her apartment and deny responsibility? It would have been much easier to have done the deed and sat back to see the results- namely seeing her completely and utterly humiliated. Another option was that he had actually come over with the intent to take advantage of her vulnerability, carry out phase two of his twisted plan by having sex with her so he could really rub it in her face.

The thought made Sana shudder again. If that had been his intent, then she was an even bigger fool. All she wanted right now was to curl up in bed and sleep, putting those memories behind her but a few minutes after Tzuyu's stormy exit from her apartment, Somi and Miyeon had come over.
Sana sighed and dragged her attention back to the present where Somi and Miyeon still argued about Tzuyu's involvement. Deciding she had heard enough of Tzuyu's name today, she intervened.

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