Chapter 9

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"Phase two?"

Sana stared into cold blue eyes and felt a frisson of dread run through her. "Phase two?" She whispered again, her voice trembled a little and she felt the color drain from her face.

Tzuyu's eyes seemed to bore into hers, the stare sending ice cold shivers running down her spine. She could still see the red imprint of her fingers on his cheek and instead of satisfaction, a rush of regret welled up within her. She had never hit a guy in her entire life and had always prided herself on being able to rein in her temper in the worst situations, but dealing with Tzuyu always seemed to bring out the worst in her temper.

Right now, he looked deadly and Sana wondered how on earth she was still standing when her knees felt like jelly and her heart raced a million miles a minute.

He raised an eyebrow, his lips split into a mocking smile as he watched her closely. "Did you really think I was through with you yet? I have barely begun Sweetcheeks. I promised I would bring you to your knees, and I haven't even scratched the surface."

"So what's this phase two about?" Sana crossed her arms over her bosom to quell the shivers racking through her body despite the warmth of the room. "Haven't you done enough already?"

Leaning close to brush a strand of hair, Tzuyu smiled when she flinched away. His lowered his hand and chuckled. "So edgy." He murmured with a shake of his head. "Phase two is for me to know and you to find out when it happens."

"Why are you doing this Tzuyu?" She asked, her voice barely above a painful whisper. She felt strangely light-headed, though she tacked that feeling down to lack of sleep and food though her head told her otherwise. "What could possibly make you despise me this much?"

"You really need to ask me that?" His face took on an incredulous look. "My my, seems you have a short memory Sweetcheeks, and here I was thinking there was more to you than just a pretty face."

Tzuyu's words cut into Sana and she felt her anger return in full force. Of course she had not forgotten. How could she forget when he insisted on reminding her by being obnoxious every single time they met.

"Keep your insults to yourself Tzuyu." She snapped, taking a step back, then another, needing to put as much distance between them as possible. "I am fully aware of your reason just as I remain convinced that I did the right thing by Somi. She would have been miserable with you!"

He growled and his eyes glittered dangerously. "And you jumped to that conclusion after a few hours in my company? What gave you the damn right to decide who is right for her or not? She is a bloody adult!"

"You made me jump to that conclusion with your abominable behavior." Sana snarled back, feeling her anger threaten to overwhelm her once more. "It didn't take much for me to see just how you would have treated her if she continued in the relationship. Somi may be an adult, but she was totally oblivious about just what kind of a bastard she was dating and I set that right. I mean, come on. What further proof did I need?

A muscle worked in his jaw, his entire body rigid as though he were holding himself back. From doing what, Sana had no idea, but she knew that whatever was going through his mind at that moment were certainly not good thoughts.

"What I don't understand is this." Sana continued, in spite of the warning bells sounding at the back of her mind telling her to back down, to leave before things got out of hand. "How the hell you even find the time to run that business of yours when you obviously spend so much time hatching petty plots for the fun of it."

His eyes narrowed at her words and Sana felt a thrill of triumph as her words hit a nerve. Good! At least the bastard was not impervious to insults too and she had the feeling he had not been insulted often. Well, there was a first time for everything. "What's the matter Tzuyu?" She mocked, keeping her voice sickly sweet. "You don't like hearing the truth? That's a real shame-"

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