Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Sana took a deep, fortifying breath as the elevator doors slid open, revealing the private ward where her father lay recuperating from the surgery.

After her shower, she'd fallen asleep with memories of the night spent in Tzuyu's arms swimming about her mind and plaguing her dreams. Frankly, she was even surprised she'd gotten any sleep at all.

Cautiously, she made her way to her father's room half hoping she wouldn't run into Chan. Though she knew she would have to face him sometime soon, her nerves were just too high strung from the encounter with Tzuyu and the poor man deserved more than a few curt words of apology. In fact, he deserved a full blown bout of groveling from her and a pound of flesh.

She reached the door and hearing muted voices coming from within, she jerked it open and walked into the room.

Her mum occupied the sole chair on the other side and she was gazing tenderly down at her husband who was finally awake.

"Oh there you are darling." Her mother looked up as she entered. "We were just talking about you."

Pasting what she hoped was cheerful smile on her face; Sana came further into the room.

"Morning mum," she leaned down to place a kiss on Victoria's cheeks before turning to her dad.

"How are you feeling dad?" She asked gently, placing a kiss on his forehead. His skin was cool against her lips. "Sorry I couldn't come see you yesterday, I was...out of town."

"I feel like someone took a mallet to my ribs." Harold grumbled, wincing as he tried to sit up only to be roundly scolded by his wife and daughter. "Oh don't fuss for Pete's sake. I'm fine."

"Well you shouldn't try to move so much then." Victoria shot back. "Remember what Dr. Bang said, dear. No sudden movements till the sutures are removed."

She turned to Sana, a curious look in her eyes. "Speaking of Dr. Bang, he came in here several times yesterday asking about you. He said he'd been trying to reach you but you wouldn't answer your phone and he was worried. So I tried calling you too but no answer. Where were you?"

At the mention of Chan, Sana felt a guilty flush rise in her cheeks. Damn Tzuyu for putting her in this awkward situation, she thought, mind racing as she considered and discarded several excuses. Finally, she decided on something close to the truth.

"I ran old friend and sort of got caught up with...stuff." The excuse sounded lame even to her own ears and she winced. Well, that would have to do for now.

Victoria frowned. As always, she knew when her daughter was hedging the truth. "What old friend? And if I deduced correctly, you'd made an arrangement with the doctor, and it was incredibly rude to stand him up like that."

"Mum, I-"

"Vicky, leave the girl be." Her father cut in firmly, reaching for his wife's hand and squeezing it in gentle reprimand. "She's an adult and free to make her own decisions."

"Thanks dad." Sana said, relief flooding her frayed nerves. Much as she loved her mother, the woman could be a tad overbearing sometimes. Her mother meant well of course, but sometimes...

Victoria pursed her lips in displeasure. "Fine. But at least, try to offer an apology to the doctor? He was rather worried about you."

"I know." Sana sighed, not relishing the task ahead of her. "I'll be right back; I need to have a word with Chan."

"Who's this Chan?" Sana heard her father ask her mother in a gruff tone as Sana slipped from the room.

"Chan is Dr. Bang, darling." Her mother replied in a cheerful voice.
The door sliding shut muffled Harold's reply and Sana let out another sigh, rubbing at her tired eyes. Even after a steaming hot shower, her body still ached, reminding her that only a few hours ago, she'd been exercising muscles she didn't even know existed.

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