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Ash had gone back to Kanto from Kalos,but he brought someone with,it was Serena who wanted to stay with him for a bit longer and her mother grace who wanted to see her best friend again,and that best friend was Delia, Ash's mother. While Delia and Grace were catching up,Ash and Serena were walking to Professor Oak's lab,once they got in they were greeted immediately by professor Oak.

Oak: Hey Ash I see your back from Kalos and also that you brought Serena with you,I can remember how you couldn't stop talking about her and how you wanted to find her and you were always gushing about her.

Ash: Professor Oak,your embarrassing me! ( he whines while blushing a ruby red).

Serena: Hi professor Oak.( she giggles) "Aww,it seems he had been liking me this whole time" and oh did he now?

Oak:Yes,yes he did,he couldn't stop talking about you .

Ash: Oh come on professor Oak!

Serena: (puts her hand on his shoulder while giggling as she sees the color of his face and she then lightly squeezes the shoulder,she keeps her hand there)Oh that's so sweet of him(Still looking at professor Oak while she talks about Ash ).

Ash: (He tilts his hat over his face to hide his darkening blush)

Serena: (She sees how he's trying to hide his blush) "So cute,he is even trying to hide his blush
from me".

Oak: Ash I'm guessing you want to show Serena your Pokémon from your other travels,Specially Charizard since he's one of your strongest,go ahead.

Ash:(tries to keep his heart from racing even faster since he just got embarrassed in front of Serena) Serena, let me go show you my Charizard (He then proceeds to lead Serena to where his Charizard is).

Oak:(In the background) Oh and Serena,he really couldn't go without talking about you for even a minute.

Serena: (Giggles again with knowledge of Ash's feelings for her and puts her arm through his arm while they walk,causing Ash to blush even more if possible).

Ash: (Him and Serena reach Oak's backyard and see all of the other Pokémon he's ever caught so far). All Ash's Pokémon greet him with their cries of happiness, but they don't dare greet him as rough as usual Out of fear of accidentally hurting Serena,Charizard comes closer and nudges Serena lightly, but its enough to send Ash and Serena sprawling.

Ash: (He notices that Serena had fallen on top of him and from the looks of it had accidentally straddled his waist)(He blushes a never before shade of red).

Serena: (sits upright,she sees her position on top of Ash and how hard he is blushing and then she sees how he is avoiding her gaze by looking to the side,making her have a fit of giggles because of how bashful he was being,she didn't mind how weird it felt when her whole body rocked from her giggles while she was on top of him and she didn't mind that Ash could feel it,she found him so adorable at that moment).

Ash: (Feels how Serena's whole body rocks on top of him as she giggles,so he turns his head bashfully and then covers his face with his hands while his heart is beating fast).

Serena: (She takes Ash's hands away from his face and holds them,she then brings her lips down near his ear and whispers to him) Aw,its so cute how shy your being right now (She feels him shiver from her breath on his ear,she decides that this is an opportunity to good to pass up, so she gives him a long hard kiss on his cheek, then she lifts her head up and,turns Ash's face with one of her hands,she then cups one of his cheeks with that same hand and sits there smiling down on him while she looks into his eye's for a while,she then gets up off him and helps him up and gets a muttered "thank you" from him and then she puts her arm through his again) My pleasure Ash. ...

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