Confessions Of A Returning Love In Alola

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Serena had just arrived in the Alola Region,she was taking a little time off and was looking to meet some new people,maybe a guy because she,the one known as Serena Yvonne was over her crush on Ash and she wasn't going to pursue him like some lost and or lovesick puppy anymore,or so she thought,you never know when old feelings could come rushing like a herd of Rhyhorn during a stampede. She and her Pokèmon were walking along the beach when Team Rocket appeared and recited their motto,Oh boy not them again,Ash must be here,dammit Ketchum! She yelled in her mind as Team Rocket finished their motto,they sent out all their Pokèmon,Serena simply ordered Delphox to use Psychic,Sylveon to use Fairy Wind and Pangoro to use Stone Edge,Team Rocket blasted off again,Serena heard footsteps and breaths from behind her,she turned around to see a surprised Ash,she only had one thought' Damn you Ketchum!

Ash: Wow Serena! Long time no see (scratches his cheek nervously).

Serena: (Feels a familiar feeling stirring in her chest) Yes it has.

Ash: (sensing slight hostility from her) Can I hug you?

Serena: Sure,go ahead and hug me Ketchum.

Ash: (He hugs Serena) Why are you calling me that way?

Serena: Things have changed,I don't feel the same about you as before.

Ash: ( His eyes widen) What do you... aren't we friends anymore?

Serena: Of course we're still friends,just not as close as before.

Ash: (Pulls away from the hug and steps back once) What do you mean?

Serena: ( Sees the hurt in his eyes) You wouldn't understand.

Ash: ( He anxiously and desperately pleads) Please make me understand then.

Serena: I was in love with you before,that made me think I was so close to you when I wasn't.

Ash: I understand but Serena I... (Gets interrupted).

Serena: But that part of me is gone now,I now know the truth.

Ash: ( He takes a desperate step shakily towards her) The truth?

Serena: I know now it was never really love,it was really just a silly crush.

Ash: ( Desperately and tightly hugs Serena) But,but I,I love you Serena.

Serena: (her heart soared at that very moment,their was no mistaking it now) (gasp) I,I love you too Ash.

Ash: Phew,just what I was hoping for,will you me my girlfriend Serena?

Serena: I see no reason why not,so yes,I will be your girlfriend Ash.

Ash: ( Pulls his head back slightly) I'm finally yours (kisses her and closes his eyes).

Serena: (She kisses him back desperately as her once broken heart heals).

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