Serena's Laugh And A Confession

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Ash and Serena were on the beach in the Alola Region, training their Pokemon, at that moment when Serena got an idea which she giggled at,Ash heard her giggle and he knew Serena was up to something mischievous and it made him feel excited and giddy,so as they were recalling their Pokèmon Serena snuck up behind Ash and after leaning close to his ear she whispered a "hey Ash" into his ear,he almost jumped,but he instead stayed in place and didn't turn around,then Serena asked Ash what he was thinking,that made him shiver from her hot breath on his ear,Serena didn't give Ash the chance to answer,but tickled him and quickly ran away laughing,Serena was having a giggling fit which slowed her down,Ash got to her and pulled her back by the waist,that action was enough to turn her around with one hand,they ended up on the ground,her straddling his lap,they stared into each other's eyes,their faces burned as they realised their position.

Serena: S - s - sorry ( she apologizes as she tries to get of Ash's lap).

Ash: ( Keeps her on his lap by pulling her down by her hips) What are you apologizing for?

Serena: Ash what are you doing?! (Face flushed a deep red,a furious blush on it).

Ash: ( his face also flushed a scarlet red) Keeping you where I like you.

Serena: you like me on top of you? (Her heartbeat fast)

Ash: Hey I asked you first haha,please answer me first okay.

Serena: I was apologizing for falling on top of you.

Ash: Okay now I'll answer your question,I do like you on top of me.

Serena: But why Ash?

Ash: Because this way I can be very physically close to you.

Serena: You want me physically close to you?

Ash: Yeah and try to take a guess why that is.

Serena: (Taking a chance) Is it possible that you like me romantically?

Ash: Yes I do have romantic interest in you,in fact I love you Serena.

Serena: Oh Ash I love you too.

Ash: Does that mean you'll be my girlfriend Serena?

Serena: Yes Ash I will be your girlfriend,can I kiss you?

Ash: Yes you can Serena (pulls her closer).

Serena: Leans in and closes her eyes).

Ash: (Also closes his eyes).

Serena: (Kisses Ash and feels a pleasureble shock) "excellent".

Ash: (Kisses Serena back, also feels the pleasurable shock) "Incredible".

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