The loyalty stikes

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When I went to go take my other seat, my face expressing changed. I didn't even care no more, wait im lying I did care because that was my best friend since 3rd grade.

The bell rang to tell us that its time for our next class. When I was walking to my locker I see Danny and Alisa walking right passed me, I rolled my eyes as they walked on.

Yep she's being really fake" I told myself.

I unlocked my locker and got all of my math items out.

As I got my math stuff out some boy named Christopher walked up.

Aye what's wrong with you" he asked.

Nothing" I said with an attitude.

Something is wrong" he told me.

I guess he saw my sad face expression.

Nothing, I don't even know you" I told him.

OK" he said and walked away.

Wait come here" I commanded him.

What, you don't even know me" he said

I don't care, but anyways something is wrong" I said.

Told you...what is it?" he questioned.

I was best friends with my best friend since 3rd grade. Now that this new girl came she wants to be all buddy buddy with her and we made a promise that the only best friend we could have is each other" I told him with a I don't even care face.

Even though I did care.

Dang that's messed up" he said looking sorry for me.

Well bye I gotta go to my math class" I said.

OK bye" he told me.

Aye can we be friends?" I asked him.

Yeah" he said walking down the hall smiling.

Once I got to math class I take my seat and we began working on a histogram.

Histograms are so easy"said a boy sitting next to me.

No duhh" I said rolling my eyes continuing my work.

OK does anyone have a question" Ms. Jones said.


O...k since nobody has a question I'm going to give everyone 5 problems to work out by their selfs" Ms. Jones said while writing on the board.

As Ms Jones finished writing the questions I got started.

(2 minutes passed)

She just gave us these questions and I'm already on number 3.

When I raised my hand to tell her that I was finished, my ex-best friend Danielle opens the door interrupting the class telling the teacher the principal needed me.

I gave Ms Jones my work and walked out the door in front of Danielle. When I looked behind me she rolled her eyes and I kept walking not stunning her.

As we entered the principal's office Ms. Henry told me to sit between Alisa and Danielle.

So you're trying to fight both of them Alexis" Ms. Henry asked me.

No who told you that" I asked her.

Alisa said you are trying to fight her and Danielle" she said.

They lying earlier when we was in science class she stole my best friend from me now I guess she's mad because I want my best friend back" I told her with an attitude.

I don't know who's telling the truth but I know you all better not fight in my school or y'all getting suspended" she told us.

Alisa is ly-

No I'm not" she said interrupting me.

Excuse you I was talking" I said rolling my eyes.

I don't care" she said.

You're going care when I slap you in yo lips" I said.

What" she said looking stupid.

You heard me... But like I was saying she's lying cause I never said I wanted to fight them" I said.

OK well just go back to your classes and don't get into trouble" Ms. Henry said.

We all walked out of the office and walked down the hall. I was walking in front of Alisa and Danielle and heard them talking.

I couldn't hear them forreal, all I heard Danielle say was, Girl why you just lie on her" she said while laughing.

I heard Alisa say,

Because I don't like her and I want to fight her.

If you fight her im going to be mad at you, and I might jump in because we got each others backs." Danny said.

Alright I'm not going to fight her." Alisa said.

As I was walking down the hall I started crying because even thought Alisa is her new best friend she still has my back, I thought she didn't care about our friendship anymore, but now I know she do. I guess she heard me crying because she hurried and walked in front of me and asked me whats wrong.

What's wrong with you." Danny said.

I thought you didn't care about our friendship, but I guess you do because you just said if she fight me you're going to jump in." I said while I stopped crying.

I'm sorry." she said while we hugged each other and cried.

Hey I'm sorry too." Alisa said.

We all hugged, me and Danny stopped crying and we all ran to class.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2015 ⏰

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