|Chapter 13: Apricity |

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Author's P.O.V


"Jeongguk stop you will hurt your hand"

He threw everything down.

"Jeongguk control yourself"

"How dare he hyung? How dare he!!"

His hands started bleeding.

"Jeongguk stop doing it! Think about Ae-ri!"

"Namjoon is saying right Jeongguk. Think about Ae-ri! She needs you the most right now!"

"Yoongi hyung I can't believe he is my father. How could he do this to me!?. I'm his son. How could he say it that easily."

He was fuming in anger. As if he is going to kill someone now.

That someone could be Mr. Jeon.

He was Losing himself. He was being Insane. He needed Ae-ri. He needed her. Only she can keep him sane and calm.

"I need to go. I need to see Ae-ri"


Jeongguk's P.O.V


I called her name. Ae-ri are you here.

"Yes Jeongguk!"

Her sweet soothing voice reached my ears. I'm felt at ease once.

"Ae-ri ah"

I walked towards her and sat down on the bed.

"Ae-ri ah I-- I--"

"Shhh calm down! Jeongguk."

She placed her hands on my face. Slightly caressing it.

"Come here!"

I laid my head on her lap. Nuzzling into her tummy. Rubbing my nose on her clothed tummy.

"Hahaha that tickles Jeongguk."

She slightly laughed. I'm glad she did.

She caressed my hair and I felt quite calm.

" Jeon Ae-ri you are my Apricity. Only you can keep me sane and calm. I yearn for you. Just like yearning for April and Spring. You are my only Warmth in this never-ending Cold tunnel. Please never leave me."

I soon dozed off.


Ae-ri P.O.V

"Don't worry Jeongguk! I will do it! I can't see you in Pain. Sleep well my Love!"


"Maybe Home is Nothing but Two Arms Holding You Tight when you are at your Worst"


Hey Jazzies
Hope you all are doing good!
Take care of yourself!

~Author Min

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