Confession III. Café Chit-Chats between two friends

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Yeah i try the 1st person pov thing because why not😅sorry if the story has become confusing lol! Same thing goes with me, a confusing potato who wants to just dissolve in this world😓😓😓😓

I also took the courage to start swearing a bit, not really my nature to do so.
So yeh? Let's start?


Cheong San's pov

To my surprise, it was my bestfriend that my so-called friend liked. I mumbled endlessly upon the name of Gyeong-su, the name stumbled right away from Gwi-Nam's mouth straightforward. It mingled around a few thoughts and gave me a somewhat chill thinking about it.

But the most important thing here," I'm getting out of this love triangle", I say nibbling on my fingertips. All I wanted was someone to love but this was not the love story I was looking forward to. Aish, at least Gyeong-su's fine at the hands of Gwi-Nam.

Is he really fine with a shithead like him?

As the countless reveries filled my empty brain, Gwi-Nam fortunately snapped me out of the thoughts with the sounds of his fingers snapping into rhythm.

"Oh-yeah, Sorry, that must be a shock. But he's quite cute if you think about it" He says, basically laughing it off.

I frantically shrugged , "I-I agree, He's cute. There's no lying, but why Gyeong-su? I thought you were going out with Na-Yeon?"

I questioned, out of my stupidity, somehow wishing I never did.

"Na-Yeon? Yah, I'd rather date a zombie than that bitch. Cheong-san, she literally does not do anything but glare at me like I'm such a mistake, and for heaven's sake she even calls Gyeong-su a welfie. Who's gonna defend him when time comes? Absolutely no one, right?"

Gwi-Nam was neither right or wrong, but for the first time in years, he actually made a point for the words he dropped.

I was taken aback by the word "welfie", sort of stammering my ears when I heard it. A sudden realization that both Na-Yeon and Gyeong-su were polar opposites, nothing would change that fact. I couldn't do anything but scratch my head on the thought of pressure put on Gyeong-su by being on welfare.

He didn't have a shoulder to lean on.

But he found mine.

Meanwhile it was me, who reciprocated the gesture but swept it all like it was nothing. It made me feel powerless, when I was given the chance to comfort him,I couldn't. But he was there for every second like I was the most precious thing for him.

Thinking of it...

Maybe I was.

I couldn't do anything to atleast let him feel safe, or the comfort of my shoulder.

But this wasn't the time to be emotional, everything will pass and so, hopefully.

Finding space to fill in the silence, I asked,

"You're not even close to him aren't ya?" Gwi-Nam probably thought about the question thoroughly and answered, "That's exactly step one, be close to him." He laughs again on the idea, someone like him was too distinct to be ever close to Gyeong-su. They seldom interacted. If you think about it.

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