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Hospital Experiences

        I have resigned from my work a few months agi to study in a well-known hospital-medical school located in Quezon City. We all know that nursing and other medical-related works are in demand abroad so I decided to give up my job just to fulfill my dream to become a health care provider.

        The thought of studying and working in the hospital gave me an eerie feeling at first. Whenever a relative or friend would get admitted in a hospital, I would really try everything to avoid paying a visit or going there. Instead, I would just opt to call or visit them in their house when they are discharged from the hospital. I really don't know why.

        The first day at the hospital-school, I had a creepy experience. The moment I entered our classroom, I felt a sudden rush of cold wind on my face. My friend also felt it. But sahe only looked at me and smiled, ignoring the wind. I knew that if I would tell her that it wasn't just a mere cold breeze, she would get frightened, so I just I didn't say a word.

        While classes were ongoing, I suddenly noticed that there were some shadows chaotically passing back and forth in front of the white board. I scanned the room and looked at my classmates to check if they did notice those shadows too. But they were all seemed pretty focused on listening to the lecture. I knew I was the only one who saw those creepy shadows...

        One time, I had a night-shift duty from 6am to 6pm. I was assigned at the second floor of the hospital. It was really quiet there for the soft music coming from the radio at the nurse station.

        It was eleven o'clock in the evening and I was already starving since I haven't taken my dinner yet. I requested a friend if she could go with me to the canteen to buy some food. Afterwards, we took the stairs since the elevators were all shut off during night time. We were chatting along when I suddenly caught a glimpse of a shadow running through the hallway.

                        "Did you see that?" I asked her.

                        "Which one?" she asked

                    "There is someone running at the third floor and he passes through the wall!" I uttered.

        My friend gave me a puzzling look. And istantly, we both ran very quickly until we reached the nurse station.

        We did tell the nurses about the shadow but they just grinned at us. They said that many strange things have been occuring in that hospital that they have gotten used to them already. They would even hear banging of the doors at night, weird cries and sobs from the ladies comfort room.

        My friend and I exchanged glances and we realized that we really should get used to those creepy things while working in that hospital. We just intently hoped that these things will not harm us.

        When all of the nurses were napping already at the sleeping quarters, I surprisingly heard someone laughing at me. I looked around to check if someone was just playing a prank on me. But to my surprise, I found that three of my co-workers were actually sleeping inside the pantry area. No one else was awake except me. This is not funny anymore! I said to myself.

        The most petrifying experience I had was when I was on duty to get the vital signs of the patients. It is compulsory to get the vital sign of the patients every four hours just to check if they are all stable. That time, it was already two o'clock in the morning and all of the patients were resting. I went from room to room to check those patients. Finally I reached the room of my last patient and I was glad she was awake. I greeted her a good morning and explained to her that I was just going to take her vital signs.

        "Vital sign again?! A nurse had just come here a while ago. Did you not see her?" the confused patient asked.

        I was getting freaked out already. All of my co- workers were asleep and I was very sure that I was the only nurse on duty that time. I instantly fled out of the room and rushed to the nurse station. I woke them all up and told them what just happened.

        The nurse just gave me a nod and smiled.

                "Another typical joke from Maya..." 

                "Maya? Who is she?" I said.

        The nurse told me that Maya was a former colleague of theirs who was previously assigned at the same station. She had died about a year ago because of kidney failure. After her death, strange things began happening in that particular area. Syringes and sometimes dextrose bottles would mysteriously appear under the tables. They would even hear her voice asking for vital sign of a certain patient. Health charts of some patients would also disappear strangely and would eventually be found inside the comfort room.

        Although Maya was gone already, the nurses knew that she still wanted to fulfill her duty as a health care provider.



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