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"Your brother?!"

You saw how your brothers a villain, maybe you should become one, too.

"(Y/n), you saw your brother?"

You nod.

Maybe you can ask him why he left you. I know what he's going to say, though. He left because he's scared of you.

You hold your head, trying to silence your brain.

"Yami, go away," you whimper.

Bakugo wraps his arms around you as you start to cry again.

Yaoi came back.

He knows where you are.

How long has he known?

Will you be able to spend time with him?

Will your relationship ever be the same way it was when you were younger?

You start to feel dizzy.

"Let's get you home," Bakugo says. You nod.

Bakugo picks you up, but your legs aren't working. You can barely move.

Bakugo helps you to the car. Deku grabs your bag and plops it in the back seat. You lay down across the seat, hugging your knees.

"(Y/n), what happened?" Deku asks innocently.

Your throat burns.

"Bro- brother" you sputter, trying to catch your breath.

Deku gives Bakugo a look that's mixed with sympathy and concern.

You let the world around you blur as your eyelids conceal your (e/c) eyes and you fall asleep.

"It's okay, (y/n). Your going to be okay."

"Why daddy like this Yaoi?"

"Daddy is a bad man. We don't always understand bad men. It's best we don't question him, okay?"

"But Kai still there!"

"Mommy has her. She's fine-"


"(Y/n), it's safer for you to be in here. Daddy's mad. Mommy has taken Kai and they probably went to the Niju's apartment,"

"Promise they okay?"

"I promise."

The door opens, showcasing your scrawny, bruised and bloodied body.

"Yaoi, come here!" Your dad yells.

"No! No take!"

"Get back you bitch or I'll give it to you, too!"

"(Y/n), get back!"

You reach out for Yaoi's (s/c) hand. You grab it.

Yaoi tries to get out of your grasp, doing his best to protect his little sister.

"(Y/n), please-"

Tears stream your face as you do your best to hold onto Yaoi.

Your dad yanks him, causing you to bang your head on the doorframe of the closet.


Your head spins. Your dad laughs. He slams the door closed, not caring that your head was in the way. You whimper as you hold your bleeding head. You stagger back in the closet and flop down.

You Saved Me First SequelWhere stories live. Discover now