Dreams, Voices, and Long-Lost Fear

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"Mommy, what's wrong with Daddy?" Kai asks tearfully as she clings onto your mother.

"Daddy's in a bad mood right now, sweetheart. It's okay, we'll get out of here," she reassures the youngest.

Yaoi holds you, hiding you from your raging father. You cry into his chest, grabbing handfuls of his shirt and squeezing it tightly.

Your mom only ever really cared about Kai, to be honest. You were 'Yaoi's problem'. But when Yaoi left, she stepped up.

Yaoi holds you tight as your dad stomps through the apartment. Your dad pushes Yaoi, trying to grab you.

After all-

You were the one he was after.

You were the one who broke the rules.

Your dad comes up behind Yaoi.

Yaoi holds you tight, knowing what will happen if your dad gets you.

Your dad goes after Yaoi, knowing he has to go through him first. Yaoi accepts blow after blow while tears stream his face.

Yaoi holds strong for a while, but eventually it gets too much for him as he passes out.

With Yaoi out of the way, your dad comes over to you.

You scream and back into the wall. A blow hits your head, breaking your fragile skin. Thick bloods flows from your head.

You wake up to the sound of multiple voices calling your name.

You look round wildly, taking in Kirishima, Bakugo and Yaoi looking at you, all with matching looks of bewilderment and worry.

You quickly feel your head where you were bleeding. You breathe out a quick sigh of relief.

Yaoi goes to approach you. You yelp and push yourself back.

"Stay-stay b-back!" You yell.

"(Y/n), what's wrong?" He whispers soothingly.

You think he's going to hurt you. That's what's wrong.

You hold your head and whimper.

You pull your knees to your chest, whispering to yourself.

"Go away. Yami, go away."

"(Y/n), look at me," Bakugo whispers.

You lock eyes with him. He extends his hand. You flinch and stare at it. You whimper and hide yourself as tears start to flow.

You feel somebody wrap their arms around you. You scream and try to pull yourself away. But they don't let go.

"(Y/n), it's fine. It's just me. It's just Dad," Kirishima whispers in your ear.

Your dad. Sounds familiar. Almost like that guy who hurt you.

No, don't listen to Yami.

You stop fighting back as you crumble into a heap of tears and confusion. Kirishima pulls you closer to him as you cry harder.

Your breathing picks up. Kirishima rubs your back.

"(Y/n), it's okay. I'm right here. I'm right here baby rock," Kirishima whispers as he gently rocks you back and forth.

Your heart rate gets slower as you start to calm down.

Kirishima rubs your head. You slump against him.

"(Y/n)?" Yaoi cautiously asks as he slowly moves closer.

You look at him.

"He isn't here. Nobody here is going to hurt you. Okay?" He whispers.

You nod.

Bakugo glares at Yaoi's back. Kirishima sees this and shoots him a warning glance.

Not in front of (y/n).

Bakugo notices and backs off.

"Can I have a few minutes alone with our daughter?" He growls, mainly at Yaoi.

Yaoi and Kirishima look to you for approval. You nod slowly.

Kirishima carefully let's go of you and plants a soft kiss on your forehead.

Once the two leave, Bakugo shifts closer to you.

"You okay?" He asks.

You silently nod.

"Listen, I know you just got him back, but I think Yaoi is bad news. Something about this whole situation seems off. Please be careful around him. If anything goes wrong or he hurts you-"

You cut him off.

"Yaoi would never do that."

Bakugo stops, his red eyes peering into your (e/c) ones.

He lets out a soft 'tch' before looking away.

"Sleep tight, kiddo," he says before walking out of your room.

You turn over in your bed. Something about this reunion with your brother did seem off.

Maybe it was all the years you guys haven't seen each other.

Maybe it's the way he's always so close to you.

Or maybe it's the way that your dad's quirk....


Your dad's quirk.

That isn't Yaoi downstairs.

After all, who knows Hanagi's limitations to his quirk.

Shapeshifting can be really hard to understand.

A/N-- this took so long to write 😭 hope you guys enjoy the little cliffhanger! Love yall 😘😘

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