The Meeting

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You hug yourself as you and Bakugo wait behind the old church.

Silence befalls you both, none of you knowing what to say.

You hear him walking around the corner. You turn to see him.

"Yaoi," you whisper, running over to him. He wraps you in his arms.

You turn to Bakugo.

"Um, Dad, this is my brother...Yaoi," you say awkwardly.

Bakugo walks up to you two. His expression is cold. He puts his hand out for Yaoi.

Yaoi accepts it. Bakugo grips his hand as he looks him in his eyes.

"Hurt her and you'll find out."

Yaoi shakes his head.

"Hurting (y/n) is the last thing I want to do."

Bakugo slowly let's go. You bury yourself in Yaoi's arms. He hugs you.

"I'm sorry for disappearing. Its what I had to do to protect you. Dad said-"

"I don't care what he said."

Yaoi sighs.

"How's Kai? Where is she?" Yaoi asks.


A tear slips down your cheek as you pull away from Yaoi.

"Um, Kai died a few years after you left. Um, Dad- I did my best to protect her. I still failed-"

Bakugo wraps his arms around you. You bury yourself in his arms. Yaoi steps back a little.

You didn't just fail Kai and your mom, you failed Yaoi, too. Look at him, he hates you. Kai was his favorite and you let her die.

You grip Bakugo tighter.

"Yami, go away," you whisper.

Yaoi approaches you, but Bakugo growls at him.

You don't think Bakugo trusts him.

And he has reasons to.

Bakugo trusts Yaoi, he just wants you all to yourself so he can do the same thing your dad did.

You whimper. Bakugo holds you tight.

"Yami, go away." You whimper. Yaoi walks over to you, ignoring Bakugo's growls.

He wraps his arms around you in a back hug. His presence mixed with Bakugo's comforts you. 

Yami goes away.

"I'm sorry that I failed Kai, Yaoi," You whisper. 

Yaoi turns you around, out of Bakugo's grasp. He holds you at arms length to take you all in. After so many years, he's finally seeing his little sister again. He smiles to himself, seeing how beautiful she's become. 

You take him in, too. His black hair curtains over his coal-colored eyes, covering the scar on his forehead. You know where it's from. The same storm that killed your mom. 

Bakugo's phone rings. He turns to answer it. He grumbles into his phone for a while, until he just stops talking. 

"What?" he half-yells, making you jump. Yaoi pulls you back into his grasp. His hands tighten around your waist. Bakugo turns to you. 

"Your father...has been released," he says reluctantly. Your legs feel weak and your breathing starts to pick up. Yaoi holds you tighter. 

"(Y/n), we should go. I don't want you out in the streets with your dad walking around. I have a feeling he wants to pay you a visit," Bakugo explains. 

"Can Yaoi come with?" 

"(Y/n)-"  Yaoi starts. 

"No, Yaoi! You're coming with! If dad's out there, he'll come for the both of us!" 

Yaoi sighs. He reluctantly nods. Bakugo grabs your hand and pulls you out of the alley. You barely stumble along. 

Yaoi follows you both. When you make it back to the house, you flop into a kitchen chair and lay your head in your arms on the table. Bakugo comes up behind you and gently places his hand on your back. Your dad on your mind, you flinch. Bakugo stops. 

"Did I hurt you?" he asks cautiously. You shake your head, trying not to let anybody know that you're scared. Bakugo sits next to you. 

"You're thinking about him, aren't you?" he whispers. 

"How could they let a maniac like that out in the streets? They know what he did! And everybody knows that you adopted me, so he'll find out. He knows where to look for me! And not only that, you're not safe. You're with me. And- god, Yaoi. I brought Yaoi with me! I'm pulling everybody into a trap-" you cry. 

Yaoi walks over to you. 

"(Y/n), what are you talking about?" 

"Dad really only knows that I'm still out here. For all he knows, you're still missing-" 

Bakugo pulls you into his grasp. You cry into his chest as he rubs your head. 

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" 

After half an hour, you fall asleep. Bakugo carries you up to your room. He lays you down in your bed and covers you up, giving you a soft forehead kiss and leaves the room. You listen to make sure nobody is still in the room. hearing nothing, you get up out of bed. 

The only way to protect them is to leave. 

Little did you know-

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