Eight Years Later

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You walk down the sidewalk, on your way home. You had your books out, trying not to forget what you talked about in class today.

"Villain!" Somebody screams. You look up.

Fire everywhere.

And underneath it all, a small boy.

You drop your books and run over. You pull him out before the flames eat him. You hand him to his mother.

You turn. Everybody has already evacuated. You weren't paying attention when the villain whipped the fire at you.

Somebody makes a shield of wind, protecting you. You look up and see

The familiar black hair

The black eyes

The freckles

The way one corner of the mouth is higher then the other.

It's him.

He's here!

He puts his finger up to his lips and gives you a forehead kiss. You reach your arms out in an attempt to hug him.

"I'm sorry, (y/n), but I got to go. Don't tell anybody I was here."

And with that, he disappears with the other villain. You cry out. After 10 years-

And how he just left-?

You can feel your heart beating out of your tightening chest.

You stumble back over to your bag and pull out your phone.

With shaky hands, you barely manage to call your dad.

"(Y/n), I can't-"

You can barely utter anything. "D-d-" you take some deep breaths. You break down.

"(Y/n), what's wrong?"


"Is it Yami?"

You shake your head. You know he can't see it, but it's all you can do. Your chest burns.

"I can't help you if I don't know what's go-"

You don't hear the rest of the message. You drop your phone on the ground, hearing an ear-splitting crack.

With Bakugo

I hear the phone drop. Then, silence.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)!"


I turn to Deku with gritted teeth. "I need your help"

Back to You

You flop down on the ground, trying to catch your breath.

Will dad find me?

How will I tell him?

Was that really-

"(Y/n)? (Y/n), where are you?"

"Da-" you can say anything else.

Bakugo heard you, though. He runs over to you.

"Found her!"

He turns to look at you, taking notice to your unusually pale face and shaky body.

"(Y/n)? What's wrong?" He asks worriedly.

"Ya- Ya-"

"Is it Yami again?"

You shake your head.


You take a deep breath.


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