When your depressed because of your family: Donnie

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Your dad and you were in the lab. He was working on something that was "a big secret". he didn't want even you to know what he was working on. "hunny can you hand me a test tube" your dad said. "okie dokie arta chokie" you said taking what you thought was a test tube. "THIS ISNT A TEST TUBE THIS IS A BEAKER" He yeld. "sorry dad." you said. "no, you are always messing shit up, all you are is a dumb ass that takes after her mom" he said. "but I-I" you stuttered. "Get out my face dumb ass, you know, we should have named you dumb ass instead of (y/n)" he said. "you know what dad, ow ow dad ow that hurts ow" you said. "Well it wouldn't have hurted if I left you on a door step, but your mom made me keep you." he said making you fall into tears. "FUCK (sniff) YOU!" You screamed as you left out the lab to the ally where the entrance to the lair was.

You cried as you sat with your legs stretched out and your arms in you lap. your face was tilted down. "it's not my fault in dumb, it's not my fault I'm different, ITS NOT MY FAULT IM ME!" You said hoping that your dad herd but you knew he didnt. You noticed a huge turtle sitting next to you. yaw looked into each other's eyes. "you're not dumb" he said. you wiped your tears and hugged him. "you always know were to find me (sniff) when I'm down" you snickered. you told him what happend and after the story yaw hugged. "thanks for being you." He said as he kissed your cheek.

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