Namjoon °•✿ •°

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Now it's 3 months after Y/N meet and adopted Jimin if she will not tell her life changed.  Jimin actually is a big cuddle bug and doesn't want to let her go to work, but the red panda helps her a lot too. One day, she come back to a sparkling and clean house. Sometimes Jimin gets Eunwoo from kindergarten. And today Y/N is coming back from a music company where she is having her studio after making a few new songs to the K-pop group that the company has.  It was like 11 pm and the protective red panda was calling her.

On the phone

- Y/N where are you?-He asked worriedly.

-Sorry Jimnie, I lost track of time while working on new songs- Y/N answer him.

-That's okay, but come back fast-He said as she smiles.

- I will. Eunwoo fall asleep?- She asked

- Yes, he did. - Jimin replied. 

- Thank you Jimin for taking care of him. I will be in 20 minutes-She said

- No problem, mochi. Be safe. See you later.-He said, then hung up.

"He really cares and worries about me"- She thought to herself before bumping in someone who was running

- I'm sorry-She said, but he fast gets up from the floor then start running away again not from her but from someone else. She then saw him trapping and falling on the floor.

- You dirty rat, why do you steal food from my shop!!- The dude who the hybrid was running away shouted and I can't take this. Calling a hybrid a dirty rat, who does he think he is.

- Excuse me mister but who you are to shout at me hybrid hmm?!- Y/N asked to shout. The hybrid looks at her then he comes closer to her and hides behind her.

-Your dirty rat was stealing from my shop-He said angrily

- I give him money, but I see that you don't let him pay because your shop doesn't let hybrids pay for the food-She said annoyed, and the men get red from embarrassed because some people were watching the drama. Some of them were whispering that isn't unfair to treat him like that.

- Now here is the money he should pay for the food and get lost- Y/N said and give him a one hundred dollar bill, then the shopper gets money from her and went away. She turns around to find hybrid looking at her. 

- So now honey, I think I have to take you home- Y/N said then added

- only if you want or just get a shower and sleep, then you can do whatever you want-She look at the hybrid. 

-I'm sorry for the trouble miss and thank you-He said to her.

- No problem. My name is Y/N and you?- She asked him

- I'm Namjoon, wolf hybrid- He said.

- So wolfie I know you can smell another hybrid from me, but he can't do anything to fly, so please come to my house only for this night you might be needed - Y/N said softly to him. He blushed at that nickname.

- I can smell another hybrid from you and another scent. That's smell like baby powder and vanilla- Namjoon said.

- Well that's must be scent mine little brother-She said with a smile thinking about her only family. 

- And I will take your offer, but next morning I'm gone-He said.

- You are free to stay or go-Y/N said with a big gummy smile.

- Now let's go before the red panda will get into overprotective mode-She added with a smile. 

They want their way while talking. She gets to know that namjoon is older than her by a few months, that he is a bookworm, and a lot of different things. 

Y/N opens the front door when red panda jumps on her and gives her a big hug.

-Mochi I missed you so much-He said while hugging her.

- I miss you too Jiminie- She tells him and returns the hug.


- Oh sorry Namjoon, this is the red panda hybrid I was talking about-She said.

- Umm hello- He said beside my back. 

- Hello, I'm Namjoon like Y/N and a wolf hybrid said-Namjoon tell.

- I'm Jimin red panda hybrid- He said and reach his hand to shake with his. Namjoon return gesture.

- Jiminie, Namjoon will stay here overnight, it that okay?- Y/N asked the red panda. Jimin shook his head at yes.

- So Jiminie will you go and give him some of your clothes and show him where is bathroom-He shakes his head again. 

- Thank you- She said then kissed his forehead. After that, the two-hybrid went to the bathroom, she goes to the kitchen to make some tea for her and the two-hybrid. After 5 minutes, Jimin comes back and hugs her.

- Mochi, I want him to stay here-He said.

- Why do you want him to stay?- She asked him.

- I sometimes get lonely because you are going to work and Eunwoo to kindergarten. I can feel that he is hurt like me. I want to help him as you help me, mochi- He said that, and her heart melt. She kisses his cheek then said

- Honey, I'm sorry, but it's his decision if he wants to stay here - She said with a soft voice. He hums in response before getting another hug from him while Y/N was humming a soft tune of melody. 

- Noona, thank you-He said.

- No problem, mine jiminie- Y/N said while her gummy smile showed on her face. 

After some time, Namjoon comes from the bathroom.

-Thank you for letting me shower and get some fresh clothes-He said.

- No issue, Namjoon- She told him.

- Let's sit I made some hot tea-She added

- Thank you but where is the red panda?- He asked, curious where he goes.

- Oh him, he drinks his tea then went to sleep in my bedroom- She answered him.

- Where can I go sleep?- Namjoon asked again.

- The bedroom that it's Jimin, but he sleeps with me, so this is your bedroom now-She answered drinking her tea.

- I will go to sleep then, thanks for the tea. Goodnight- He said then finished his tea.

- Let me show you where it is and goodnight to you too Namjoon- She said in a soft voice then she showed him where the bedroom is and she come to hers. 

She lay on the bed beside Jimin. Then Y/N feel hands around her waist.

- Goodnight, mochi- He said in a sleepy tone and give her a kiss on the forehead.

- Goodnight, Jiminie- She replied to him.

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