Yoongi *.☽ .

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After adopting officially, Namjoon and Jimin, Y/N reality become more chaotic than before was.  She discovered that Namjoon was interested in books, so she shows him her book collection and that the wolf hybrid is very clumsy. He broke more than 10 things in a week. Jimin got saved in dance class after telling her that's he loves to dance. Eunwoo starts liking both hybrids like his own family and that makes Y/N very happy because it's not only her now that brings a smile to the face of her younger brother.  She is having a family of four. When she gets back from work, she is welcomed by thigh hugs from the two-hybrid and little boy. And now we are here.


- Y/N/N your shift will end in 20 minutes-Rose said Y/N who was busy making orders.

- Thanks for reminding me that-She turn to her and smiled.

- No problem, so how are doing there are times?- Rose asked her small barista friend.

- Like always, Eunwoo having fun in kindergarten and in-home with the two-hybrid.- She answers her.

- You really should come with them here-The blond-haired girl said then wink at her.

- Yeah, Yeah, I know, and I will do that someday-  Y/N said.

- SUP BISHS!!!- Y/N shoot her to look at the shouting boy at the door of the Café.

-YAH BAMBAM IT'S NOT YOUR HOUSE!!- Rose shouted back. BamBam then look around and see that there were customers in the café. The boy blushed in embarrassment. 

- I'm sorry Rosie and Y/N-ie- He looked at us with an apologetic look. 

- I was thinking that's you will end by now-He added.

- That's okay, Bamie- Y/N said with a small smile. 

- Dude you better not do that's again, or I will kill you then I will adopt your hybrids-Rose said in a treating voice. BamBam gulp in fear. 

- Bamie, do you want the usual coffee?- Y/N asked him.

- Yes, please Y/N-ie~~ - The boy said. She then starts making his drink. 

- You will pay-Rose told him.

- I know, here-He said, and pay for his drink.

- And here is your coffee, Bamie- Y/N said, passing him a coffee.

- Thanks, you only know what I need.- BamBam said. 

- Oh Y/N/N your shift just ended.- Rose said looking at the watch.

She only hums in response and went to the locker room to hang up her apron.

- BamBam, Rose, I will get going, have a great night!- She shouts at her two best friends while walking off from the café.

- GOODNIGHT Y/N/N!!- Both of them shout back. Y/N giggles. Walking home, she saw a music shop. Y/N stop for second thinking if she would come inside, but then she remembers that her two hybrids and Eunwoo loves music, so why not come inside and buy new albums at home. When she comes inside, the soft music was heard. 

- Good Evening miss-The cashier said. Y/N look at her with a little smile, then she saw the piano and ask the employee for permission to play. The employee just nod.  She sat in front of the piano and start playing. Her fingers were moving slowly. Without knowing, she starts to sing the song.


After she finishes the song. She saw a boy with a black hoodie, ripped blue jeans, and white shoes. His hood was on his head, so she doesn't see his face, but after she looks at him, the boy just look away from her stare. Begin to bring to reality by claps from the employee.

- That was a beautiful piece-She said excitedly. 

- Thank you- Y/N said, shy and looking down at her feet.

- I never heard this song, what's the name is of the song?-She asked.

- Stay Alive made by me and my music friend AGUST D singing by JK(LET'S SAID THAT THEY ARE DIFFERENT PERSONS) - Y/N answer her with a small smile. She hummed in response, and small thanks left her mouth.  Y/N then look at the place where the boy was standing, but he was nowhere to be found. The girl just shrug her arms and went to an alley with hip hops albums.


She looks at the caller. 

-"Namjoon"-she whispers to herself, then accepts the call.


RM-Hello cub-

- Hello to you Joonie-

RM- Where are you?-

- I'm a music shop, why?-

RM- I will walk you from there. It is already late, and I don't want anything to happen to you.-

-No it's okay. I can protect myself-

- And I will go to the shop to buy groceries, do you want anything or the rest?- 

RM- Wait, I will ask- 

2 minutes later

RM- Eunwoo want banana milk and Jimin wants vanilla ice cream for me if isn't any problem I want Iced Americano.-

 - Hmm, I will then get going.-

RM- Be safe cub- 

- I will and tuck to sleep Eunwoo- 

RM- Okay.- Then he hung up.

Y/N sighed, then went to the shop. She gets her basket and starts to pack everything the boys want, but then someone bumped at her and doesn't say sorry. She was about to shout at him to say sorry, but she saw a black tail, and then she knew that was the hybrid.  Y/N lets this slide because she knows how the hybrids were treated in this country. Another time she sighs and after that, she went to the shelf with her snacks. She looked at the top shelf. There were her favorite chips. Y/N starts to stand on her toes, but after some time she starts to jump, still not reaching them. A hand grabs them. Y/N looked at the person. The person was a hybrid with broad shoulders, plump lips who are having a smile, brown warm eyes, brown hair out of it was a brown bear's ears.

- Hello miss, this is yours-He said, then giving her the chips she was fighting to reach

- Umm, thank you- Y/N said with little blush.

- No problem-he said, then look at his watch and saw that's he needed to get going. 

-Miss I'm so sorry, but I need to go, Goodbye and have a great night-With that's he went away.

- You too-She whisper to herself and after that, she pay for her shopping and went home.

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