chapter 1

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In the forgotten realm of the iron vale, it was not guarded by mortal kombat. This unfortunate circumstance would leave no hindrance for Shala Khan and her forces. 

Y/n is the prince of this realm, and the ultimate goal of Shala in this invasion. 

Y/n is no pushover, he is skilled as a warrior.

He fights through the royal palace, killing any that get in his way. 

He sees his royal guardsmen get cut down in seconds.  The outworld warriors prove to be superior in every way. 

Y/n continues fighting and makes it to the throne room 

When he arrives. He is just in time to see Shala Khan crush his father's skull with her hammer. 

Y/n charges and goes for a jumping stab.  Shala simply dodges and Y/n finds his sword breaking upon impact against the ground.

He looks at Shala with rage in his eyes, she only smirks and challenges him with a hand motion. 

Even with a broken sword, Y/n charges and goes for a slash. Shala dodges and continues to dodge strike after strike. 

Eventually she got bored and with one swing of her hammer, knocked him out cold. 

Y/n would wake up in a strange bed that was not his own. 

He found himself in a more formal attire. 

He got up and immediately felt the relief of some of his joints popping. 

He opens the door to find a Naknada man about to knock on the door. 

Naknada man: Oh! You're awake! Good, right on schedule. 

Y/n: Who are you?

Attendant: I am the Attendant, you're attendant to be exact.  Shala Khan assigned me to make sure everything is perfect.

Y/n: *confused* Righttt?  Why?

Attendant: Oh, right. You aren't aware. You are now officially the husband of Shala Khan.

Y/n: Woah-Woah! EXCUSE ME!?

Attendant: Anyway, we have much to discuss. I have a list of things that I need to go over with you before you can leave this room.  Plus, I think you should sit down before you pass out from stress.

Y/n listened and sat back down on the bed.

Y/n: The fuck?!

Once the list was finished, Y/n was free to roam the palace grounds. 

Y/n found himself looked at with fear and contempt.  Much different than the friendly smiles he saw when he was a prince.  

It hasn't been that long, but he already misses them.  

Y/n manages to make it to the royalty seat overlooking the arena. The arena was empty, but the last fight was being cleaned up.

Y/n watched as the staff cleaned up body parts and bodies.  

?: The next fight isn't for another hour.

Y/n was surprised and turned to see Shala Khan.

Y/n: You! 

Shala: At least you're awake. More than what some could say after being hit by my hammer.

Y/n: You kidnapped me!

Shala: Oh, that. You are a nice trophy.

Y/n scoffs.

Y/n: I'm a trophy husband?

Shala: More or less.

Y/n scoffs again.

Y/n goes to leave, Shala grabs his arm.

Shala: If you think about trying to escape, you'll find a pain worse than death.

Y/n: It'll be preferable to being married to you!

Y/n wrestles his arm away and continues walking. Shala smirks. 

Y/n wanders the palace until nightfall.  He knows that where he woke up must have been the royal bedroom.  And he rather sleep on the ground at that point.

He climbs onto the roof and falls asleep, eventually the light of the sun wakes him up.

He climbs down and immediately goes to get something to eat.

Almost immediately after eating, he turns and sees Shala in front of him.

Shala: Did you get lost?

Y/n: No. I found myself a nice little spot of my own to sleep. 

Shala laughs.

Shala: Suit yourself, eventually you'll end up in our bed.

Y/n growls.

Y/n: As if! Just leave me alone!

Shala continues to laugh.

Shala: No can do, "darling"

Y/n scoffs and walks past her.

Y/n in head: I need to get out of here, she couldn't of killed the whole army. There has to be some resistance from the Iron Vale.

Y/n is stuck in his own hell.  He must learn to adapt, or escape.

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