chapter 6

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With Kitana kidnapped by unknown forces. The Iron legion searches relentlessly. 

Y/n manages to track the assailants to Earthrealm.

He makes a portal and the legion follows. 

But he soon realizes that he has no way of knowing where to go. He needs a guide, and one shall arrive. 

His arrival is not unnoticed by the guardian of Earthrealm.

Raiden appears in front of Y/n and the legion.

Raiden: Halt! What business do you have here, prince of the Iron Vale? 

Y/n: Lord Raiden. I only seek to return my kidnapped daughter home. 

Raiden: Even if you speak the truth, I have no reason to want to rescue the spawn of Shala Khan.

Y/n: Kitana is not that monster's daughter! I adopted her. She shares no blood to either of us.

Raiden: Even still. I know of you're bloodlust. I can't let you wander around Earthrealm.

Y/n: Help me then! And in return, I promise you, that neither me or my Iron legion will participate in the upcoming  Mortal Kombat tournaments! No matter what happens, we will not participate! 

Raiden couldn't pass up this advantage.

Raiden: Very well, I may have an idea on where the kidnappers have taken her.

Raiden leads them to a secluded village.

Raiden: This village formed shortly after the fall of the Iron Vale. It was abandoned and rebuilt by Edenian refugees. 

Y/n: I figured that Edenians were behind this.

Raiden: If you truly wish to go in there and kill them all, I will not stop you. But I ask that you destroy everything and leave no trace of Edenian arts. 

Y/n: Of course. It shall be done.

The Iron legion prepares for the slaughter.

They got as close as possible and then charged.

The almost defenseless village of refugees stood no chance against the Iron legion.

Kitana was found and rescued, while the legion got to burning the village to the ground. When they were done, not a trace of it remained, only ash.

But Raiden got himself an advantage, without Y/n or the Iron legion involved, it was one less thing to worry about during the Mortal Kombat tournaments. 

Shala Khan didn't really care. She had many warriors that could get the job done.

A few years later, the two babies have become children.  Not that it concerned Shala. She proved to be a terrible mother to both of them.  She didn't care for mothering duties, but instead viciously attempted to mold them into warriors.  

One day, Y/n is taking care of the girls's hair.

He brushes Kitana's hair first.

Kitana: Daddy?

Y/n: Yes?

Kitana: Does mommy not like me?

Y/n stopped for a second, before regaining his composure. 

Y/n: Well...I wouldn't say that. She just have her own version of love. It's a bit strange, but i'm sure she loves you.

Y/n was lying through his teeth. He couldn't even begin to comprehend how Shala perceived love, or if she even did at all. 

After he finishes with Kitana's hair, he moves on to Mileena's.  Shala walks into the room.

Shala: I don't know why you bother with their hair, it'll just get messy again.

Y/n: You wouldn't understand. You only care about war and fighting. 

Shala scoffs.

Y/n: If you have nothing more than insults and scoffs, you can leave.

Shala got irritated.

Shala: *angrily* What was that?

Y/n: You heard me loud and clear. I don't have time for your childish games. Because unlike you, I don't need everyone to think the same way I do.  And I also take care of BOTH of our children, you just train them until they come to me crying.

Shala: If they'd take the training seriously, there wouldn't be an issue.

Y/n: *sigh* "That" is exactly the issue. You don't even have the smallest shred of knowledge about children or people in general.  Maybe if you spent some time with the kids, you'd...

Shala: I spend plenty of time with them?

Y/n: Okay then. What is their favorite colors?

Shala stayed silent.

Y/n: See?! You don't even know that simple question! And I know that you don't know their favorite food, favorite toy, or even their favorite story!  You spend no actual time with either of them.  

Y/n finishes Mileena's hair and she walks over to Kitana who is playing with some toys.

Y/n: You are the one who wanted a child, and yet you don't even want to be a parent!

Shala: Is that what you think?!

Y/n: Yeah, I do. 

Shala: *angrily* So I am at fault for YOU wanting Kitana?! I never wanted her!

Kitana hears this and drops her toys. 

Kitana: Mom...mommy doesn't want me?

Y/n freezes once he remembered that Kitana was still in the room.   

Y/n looks at Kitana, she looks at him and tears start to roll down her cheeks.

This angered Y/n and he turned to face Shala.

Y/n: *angrily* You never change.  

Y/n turns away from her and approaches the crying Kitana.

Y/n scoops her up with one arm. She hugs him tightly and cries into his shoulder.  Mileena grabs his free hand. 

Y/n looks at Shala once more.

Y/n: I'm taking the girls out and going to the new garden I had built.  Since you can't ever be wrong in your eyes.

Y/n took the girls out of the room. Shala's blood begins to boil.

Shala lets out a roar of anger and punches a few holes into a wall.  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2022 ⏰

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