chapter 2

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Y/n loses track of time, everyday seems the same.

Y/n decides to make the best of the situation. 

He decides to abuse this power that he has.

The dark and dreary palace is in need of a makeover. And the treasures from the Iron Vale are rightfully his. 

He puts the order in for a complete interior remodeling of the palace.  

It doesn't take long for the massive crew to get to work.  

Shala obviously notices the construction and goes to find Y/n. 

Y/n can be seen overseeing the construction.

Shala: *angrily* Y/n! What is the meaning of this!

Y/n turns to face her.

Y/n: You had a terrible interior designer. So I decided to make a few changes. Using the funds you stole from the Iron Vale.

Shala's blood began to boil. She struck Y/n, knocking him down.

Y/n rolls backwards and gets up.

Shala: You have no right to those funds!

Y/n: I have every right! That treasure didn't belong to you!

Shala walked up and was inches away from Y/n.

Shala: You shouldn't push you're luck.

Y/n: You forget, I want to die. 

Shala scoffs.

Shala: Fine! Enjoy you're small comfort!

Shala storms off, the Attendant walks up.

Attendant: Um, master? Maybe we shouldn't make her angry. You may want to die, but I don't. 

Y/n: You'll be fine.  Tell me, when is the next arena tournament.

Attendant: Later today.

Y/n: Good. Get me my sword and shield.

Attendant: At once, master. 

Y/n hid his attendance in the tournament until the last possible moment. 

When he walked into the arena, the crowd roared with anticipation and excitement. 

His first opponent would be a Shokan warrior.

He noticed that the Shokan wielded four different weapons.

The Shokan wasted no time in charging and swinging wildly. Y/n easily found a way to deal with the situation, he slides underneath the strikes and plunges his sword into the skull of the Shokan, killing him instantly. 

The roar of the crowd fuels Y/n as he slaughters his way through the tournament and eventually wins. 

Even in this hell, Y/n finds a way to enjoy life.  

The next day, the remodeling continues. 

Y/n looks at the almost finished interior design.

Y/n: Perfect! Now it doesn't look like a funeral in here. 

Shala walks up to him.

Shala: It was fine the way it was.

Y/n: Maybe for you. But if I wanted to live in a cave, I'd go live in a cave.

Shala scoffs.

Shala: *pauses* Congratulations on you're victory in the arena yesterday. 

Y/n: Um...thanks.

Awkward silence took over.

Y/n walks away.

Y/n: I think that's the first somewhat normal conversation we had.

Y/n decided to be a ruler and look over the financial reports.

Y/n: Woah, there is a lot in personal expenses. That isn't even including my remodeling!

Y/n looks over past reports.

Y/n: What is all this money even going to?! 

Y/n was trying to fathom how anyone could spend as much money as Shala does.  But couldn't.

Y/n: This realm would be rich by now.

Y/n puts the reports away. 

Y/n goes to his little hiding spot with a book in hand.

He begins to read.

He hears someone climb the roof, he sees the Attendant.

Attendant: There you are! Shala Khan is looking for you.

Y/n: Did she say why?

Attendant: No.

Y/n sighs and closes his book.

Y/n: *sarcastic* This is going to be fun.

Y/n leaves and finds Shala.

Y/n: You were looking for me.

Shala: Yes. I'd like you to finally share my bed.

Y/n: No.

Shala: *sigh* Why must you be difficult?

Y/n: You punched me in the face yesterday! That's not something you do to a spouse.

Shala: At first I wrote it off as you being resistant, but it's been a month now.

Y/n: As I said on day one, I'd rather die than be with you.

Y/n walks away.

Shala: We're not done with this conversation!

Y/n: I am!

Y/n didn't stop and kept walking.  Shala yells in frustration. The staff stop and look at her.

Shala: Keep working, or i'll kill you all!

The staff hurry and keep working.

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