chapter 4

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With the invasion of Edenia about to commence. Y/n must overview his new forces. 

Y/n looks over the scared, conscripted troops. The only ones that aren't scared are the Shokan and Tarkatans.  

Y/n can hear the sound of marching footsteps. A familiar clanking sound fills his ears. 

He turns and sees a familiar sight, a legion of the Iron Vale marching towards him. 

The captain of this legion walks a few feet away from Y/n and kneels.

Captain: My prince, the Iron Vale never fully died. When we heard that you became emperor of outworld, we trained for hundreds of years until we could fight by you're side once again. 

Y/n looks at the legion.

Y/n: Is there more of you?

Captain: Yes, at you're beck and call. Only command it, and we'll slaughter these savages.

Y/n: No need. A long time ago they were our enemy. But right now they are our friends. Maybe one day we can free the  Iron Vale. But not today. Today we spite the elder gods for not offering us similar protection.

Captain: As you command. 

Y/n: Get you're men ready to march, we will show Edenia the wrath of the Iron Vale.

The captain rises and walks to his men.

More soldiers of the Iron Vale begin to show up to assist their prince. In a different situation, Y/n would launch a rebellion, but right now Y/n has a directed anger.

Once the portals open, Y/n and his Iron legion march through.

They are immediately met with archer fire.

The Iron legion immediately enters  testudo formations without needed to be commanded.

The arrows bounce off the shields and the mages begin their assault, launching fire at the enemy. 

Eventually the Iron legion makes it to the front defensive line of the Edenian capital city.

The legion breaks formation and begins to form a phalanx.  The Edenian troops found only death as they tried to break the Iron legion. 

The city finds itself in total war. 

The Iron legion begins to crush any resistance in its way as it receives support from outworld conscripts.

Eventually the legion makes it to the royal palace.

The royal guardsmen attempt to barricade the doors, but they are broken down in seconds.

The Iron legion splits into squads and  begins to clear the palace room by room. Once the legion leaves, the outworlders come in and leave no prisoners.

Y/n enters a room with two legionaries.

Suddenly the two legionaries are grabbed by hair and slammed against a wall.

Y/n dodges the hair coming at him and cuts the hair.

The hair goes back to Sindel.

Sindel: You go no farther! I will not allow you to harm my daughter!

Sindel unleashes her hair at Y/n who cuts it chunk by chunk until it's too short to do anything.

Sindel growls and unleashes a screech at Y/n who uses his shield to deflect the sound wave.

He begins to walk towards Sindel who extends her spear and goes for desperate stabs. But to no avail.

Y/n finally gets bored and slashes the spear in half. Sindel throws it down.

Y/n closes the distance and with one stab, pierces through Sindel. 

Y/n pulls his blade out and Sindel stumbles backwards.

The sound of a baby crying in the next room filled the air.

Sindel: *weakly* Kit...Kitana.

Sindel begins to weakly walk and pushes the door open. Y/n follows her into a nursery.

Sindel looks in Kitana's crib and sees the crying baby.

Sindel takes Kitana into her arms and falls onto her rear.  She leans her back against the crib and looks up at Y/n.

Sindel: *weakly* You're...n...not...heartless...right?'d...protect...those you?

Y/n stays silent.

Sindel weakly holds Kitana.

Sindel: *weakly* P...please! K...keep...her safe. I...I'll miss her.

Y/n takes Kitana from Sindel who immediately falls down and dies.

Y/n made it to the throne room to see a dead Jerrod dead at the bottom of the throne and Shala sitting in the throne. 

Shala: There you are! I wondered where you ran off to.

She noticed the baby in Y/n's arms. She approached and Y/n stood defensively.

Shala: Have you decided that you wanted to be a father? You only had to ask.

Y/n: I'd rather die than sleep with you! I decided to keep the princess of Edenia as my daughter.

Shala chuckles.

Shala: Fine, but on one condition. You have to finally share my bed.

Y/n looks away in disgust.

Y/n: Fine!

Y/n looks at Kitana, it hasn't been long but he already finds his paternal instincts kicking in. 

Y/n must deal with whatever comes his way, if he is to find safety for his new found daughter.

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