Chapter 4: Into the palace

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Pinaki arrived back just in time to change for dinner.
"Hurry up, Pinaki!" called his mother.
"I'm coming." said Pinaki.

He had to sit next to Princess Harinaksa, who smelled of cabbage.
"Greetings, Prince Pinaki." said Princess Harinaksa.

Just then, there was a faint tapping sound.
"Is someone at the door? asked the King."

Pinaki had a sinking feeling. He rushed to the door, opened it and peered outside.

"Hello," said the frog.
Pinaki slammed the door in her face.

"Who was that?" said the King.
"No one," Pinaki said quickly.
"That's funny," Princess Harinaksa. "I was sure I heard someone."
"Sshh!" hushed Pinaki.

The tapping noise came again.
"Pinaki, I really do think someone's there," said the King.

"I'll ask the footman to look," said the Queen.
"No, Mommy don't!" cried Pinaki. "It's only a frog."
"How horrible!" disgusted Princess Harinaksa.

"She rescued my golden ball from the pond," Pinaki added, "and... I... sort of said she could stay with me."

"Then you must keep your word," bellowed the Queen. "Let the frog in."
"I'd really rather you didn't." said Princess Harinaksa.

"Oh Mommy, I can't," said Pinaki. "She's so wet and warty..."
"Pinaki!" said his mother, furiously. "Let that frog in right now."

Pinaki dragged his feet to the door, praying that the frog had gone.

But as soon as he opened the door, the frog shot inside.

She followed Pinaki all the way back to his chair. He could hear her wet feet going splat, splat, splat, on the floor behind him.

"Poor you. She's the slimiest frog I've ever seen." said one of Pinaki's eldest brothers.
"I thought I'd never make it." said the frog.

Oh dear!" said Princess Harinaksa. "Suddenly, I'm not very hungry. I think I might be allergic to frogs."

"Excuse me," said the frog, "Prince Pinaki did promise that I could eat from his plate. May I sit at the table too?"

"Certainly not," snapped Pinaki, crossly.
"Don't be so rude," said the Queen. "The frog is our guest."

"I'm starving," said the frog. "What's the first course."
"Cold watercress soup," said the Queen, smiling at her. "Help yourself!"

"This is the life!" the frog dived into Pinaki's bowl. "This is delicious!" she cried, between mouthfuls.

"I don't think I'm hungry anymore," said Pinaki, as the frog slurped up the last of his soup.
"I think I'm going to be sick." replied Princess Harinaksa.

"Right," said the frog cheerfully. "What's next?"
Pinaki sighed miserably.
"What is the second course?" he asked a butler.

"Um... er." the butler began nervously.
"Come on!" said the Queen. "You must know what's for supper."

"Well you see, your highness," the butler went on, "Cook didn't know about our extra guest... I'm afraid... it's frogs' legs."

The frog gulped. "I think I might skip this course," she said, weakly.
Pinaki didn't usually like frogs' legs, but that night he had seconds.

"Isn't it time for bed, Prince?" said the frog.

"Oh no!" cried Pinaki. "You're not coming anywhere near my bedroom."
"But you promised..." said the frog. "You can carry me on a cushion."

Pinaki looked at his mother pleadingly.
"Come on, dear," said the King. "Don't make Pinaki touch that green, slimy..."

"Princes don't break promises," interrupted the Queen, sternly.
Pinaki took a deep breath. Then stretching out his arm, he picked up the frog by one foot.

His brothers gasped.
"He touched her!" moaned Princess Harinaksa, and fainted.

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